로커스트 - Locust

1981 로커스트 (사철메뚜기) - 내가 말했잖아
[검정 LP 한정반] Beatball Music | 2018년 07월 30일
A1 내가 말했잖아 / I Told You So
2 그대여 / (I miss) You
3 저 달이 미워 / Blame it on the Moon
4 바람 / The Wind
* 5- B1 그림자 / Shadows
* 6- B2 밤길 / Night Path
7- B3 오늘같이 이상한 날 / Like Today
8- B4 사랑의 발자국 / Love’s Footsteps
Radioshow Comments : "Except for the first track which is more a poprock song, most tracks are in a kind of psych pop / rock song style with artistic softrock or psychrock arrangements, all with female vocals. Although it is released in 1980/’81 the style is definitely 70’s. This album is technically well recorded."
Midheaven : "Reissue of a solid and most rare Korean psych-pop album from the early 80s. Clearly produced psychedelic pop music with guitar leads and beautiful female vocals by Tae Min Kim. Although it gained critical acclaim when released in '81 it never hit the big time. Highly enjoyable songs full of imagination. Coming in solid mini LP replica sleeve with beautiful aquarelle artwork. Limited edition of 1000 copies. From the same label that brought us the great reissue of Korean Magma".
Folkie Jin : "This album was produced by Kim Chang Wan who was the leader of San Ul Rim. And 5 songs of this album were also his songs."
It was released on CD before. Beatball released it also on LP in 2018. BMRLK-10 on 2018.07.26 24bit 96kHz remastered from the original master tapes 180g heavy weight vinyl on porcelain color Gate-folded sleeve with 4 page color insert
Label description : "This is the monumental psychedelic / progressive rock album by the 5-piece band Locust, who burst onto the scene by winning the 3rd ‘Youth Gayo Festival’ held by TBC in 1981. Produced by Sanullim’s Kim Chang-hwan, this is the only album by Locust, a band that is categorized as a belonging to the so-called ‘campus group sound’. Fronted by the colorfully expressive vocals of Kim Tae-min, the band’s sound sets it apart and above those of its contemporary ‘campus’ units, with lyrics that explore an aesthetic darkness beyond a youthful fantasticality, and symphonic song structures built around psychedelic guitars and keyboards. Although less well-known compared to the successful ‘I Told You So’, ‘Shadows’ and ‘Night Path’ are brilliantly crafted prog-rock style works that are must-listen tracks. This is what Sanullim might have sounded like if it were to fuse with the Savage Rose and Sandrose. This album is a unique expression of Korean 1980s rock that is hard to find elsewhere in the world."
로커스트 (사철메뚜기) - 내가 말했잖아 (ver. 1: Original Track Order Edition) [검정 LP 한정반]
Beatball Music | 2018년 07월 30일
1981년 TBC 주최 ‘제3회 젊은이의 가요제’에서 ‘하늘색 꿈’으로 대상을 차지하며 등장한 5인조 록밴드 로커스트가 김창완의 프로듀스 하에 만들어낸 기념비적 싸이키델릭/프로그레시브록 음반. 다채로운 표현력을 지닌 보컬 김태민을 내세운, 소위 ‘캠퍼스 그룹사운드’로 분류되는 로커스트의 데뷔작이자 유일한 앨범이다. 소녀적 환상성 이면에 탐미적 어두움을 담은 가사, 싸이키델릭한 기타와 키보드 사운드를 중심으로 한 심포닉한 곡 구성은 동시대 캠퍼스 그룹들과의 비교를 거부한다. ‘내가 말했잖아’의 성공에 가려진, 완성도 높은 프로그레시브록 스타일의 ‘그림자’와 ‘밤길’은 로커스트의 진면목을 보여주는 필청 트랙!
"This is a monumental psychedelic / progressive rock album produced by the five-member rock band Locust, produced by Kim Chang-wan in 1981.
It is the debut and only album of Locust, which is classified as the so-called 'Campus Group Sound', featuring vocal Kim Tae-min, who has a variety of expressive powers. Lyrics with aesthetic darkness behind the girlish fantasy, symphonic compositions centering on psychedelic guitars and keyboard sounds, refuse to compare with contemporary campus groups. Completely progressive rock-style of 'shadows' and 'night roads' are hidden behind the success of 'What I told you'!"
The album doesn't start immediately strong but it enfolds well to a fine progressive rock album worth tracing.