최숙자 / 숙자 최 - Choi Sook-Ja / Choi Suk-Ja
CD1 1 눈물의 연평도 / Yeonpyeongdo ? of Tears 2 모녀기타 / Mother and daughter 3 그러긴가요 / Is that so? 4 초립동 / CP 5 약산진달래 / Low Mountain Rhododendron...

강홍식 / 姜 弘 植 - Kang Ho-Sik (Chang Ho-Sik)
The first 9 songs of this compilation show how Kang Ho Sik must have been involved in early song music of the first movies with sound and...

최남용 - Choi Nam-Yong (Nam-Young)
유성기로듣던 불멸의 명가수 Vol.14 이인권편 Immortal Master Singer Vol.14 Lee In-kwon 14 가여운 하로밤 / Poor night 15 청춘시대(靑春蒔代) / Young * 16 박타령(打鈴) / Park,...

최희준 - Choi Hee-Joon
Tracks can be found here: Jigu 최희준 - 오리지날 힛송 총결산집 / Original Song Collection CD 1990.09.01 Choi Hee-Joon sung with the arrangements of...

채규엽 - Chae Yug-Yeop / Chae Gyu-Yeop
Chae Gyu-Yeop, classic Korean new folk/pop/jazz singer

최갑석 - Choi Gap-Seok
Tracks can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 9] CD9-16 고향에 찾아와도 / When you come home Taken from an original printed source,...

The Korea Jazz Band, Okeh Jazz Band & Columbia Jazz Band
ARTICLE 1: The Influence of Shanghai jazz in Korea: From https://www.sisain.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=19479 1930년대 상하이서 불어온...

전옥 - Jeon Ok (Chun Ok) (全 玉)
Three songs were to found on this compilation of Chun Ok or Jean-Ok. We hear a Japanese sounding early trot song with high soprano,...

최승희 / Choi, Seung-Hee / Sai Shoki
https://michaelseangallagher.org/korean-music-from-another-time-navigating-the-turbulent-20th-centur/ The track called "A Garden in...

최란 / Choi Ran / Choe Lan
Music Research Korea V.A.Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 2 Yoo Sung Gi Album (5CD) CD3 15 마도로스 여인선장 / Captain Madorus (196?) CD4 10...