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최희준 - Choi Hee-Joon

Tracks can be found here:

Jigu 최희준 - 오리지날 힛송 총결산집 / Original Song Collection CD 1990.09.01

Choi Hee-Joon sung with the arrangements of full orchestra, 50s electric-picking guitar and other small arrangements (brass..), songs that sound like softened and warm-cushion sweetened crooners for the caress-sweet moments. I think that’s the best way I can think of to describe this compilation.

1 옛이야기 / Old story

2 빛과 그림자 / Light and shadow

3 맨발의 청춘 / Barefoot Youth

4 하숙생 / Boarders

5 엄처시하 / Severely

6 진고개 신사 / Jingu Shrine

7 어차피 보낼사람 / Anyway

8 길 / A Path

9 길 잃은 철새 / Stray Migratory Birds

10 노신사 / Old gentleman

11 우리 애인은 올드미스 / My lover, the elder Misses

12 내 사랑 쥬리안 / My Love, Julian

More tracks can be found here:

도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido (5CD)

CD4 15 당신의 이름은 깍쟁이 / Your name is Mister (1967?)

CD5 4 나의 걸프렌드 / My girlfriend

“Your name is mister” is old time music (with a mixture of dance rhythms) with electric picking guitar and metalophone, organ, brass and a complexity of changing exotic rhythms, sung with a warm voice. “My Girlfriend” with English title (and with its title sung in English) is another such a nice song with slight exotic rhythms.

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: 220 Best

CD4-1 하숙생 / Boarder (1966)

CD4-6 빛과 그림자 / Light and shadow (1966)

ref. 'Crew Cats'

CD4-9 종점 / Endpoint (1966)

CD4-18 엄처시하 / A Smash (1965)

"Boarder" is a warm voice driven crooner waltz. Both "Light & Shadow" and "Endpoint" are slow dances, the last one with a romantic feel. "A smash" is somewhat different in rhythm but fits a range of slow ballroom styles in song and accompaniment. Great voice.

CD5-5 옛 이야기 / old story (1967)

Also this song is a slow ballroom cheek sticker. This is accompanied by lush strings, modern sounding organ, echoing guitar, soft brass backgrounds, all soft as a velvet carpet in sound.

CD6-15 노신사 / The Shrine (1968)

This song starts with a choir of female backing vocalists, but basically is again solo warmth voice leads of a song with lush strings, vibes some sax solos and happy spring time flute accents, and with its returning backings on a soft bed of a smooth bubbling rhythm.

​CD10-2 가슴을 펴라 / Stretch your chest (1965)

with 쟈니브라더스 / Johnny Brothers

​CD10-3 길 잃은 철새 / migrating birds (1970)

​CD10-15 팔도강산 / Our Mountains and Valleys (1967)

with 쟈니브라더스 / Johnny Brothers

The 10th disc of this compilation features two tracks with the Johnny Brothers who were an early harmony vocal group with its own already somewhat distinctive style. "Stretch your chest" still is mostly just solo voice with lush orchestrations, giving a bit more strong sound by the extra voices. "Migrating Birds" is nicely arranged by orchestra (strings and brass) in a subtle way, as always, leaving all attention to the full breath warmth qualities to Choi Hee Joon's voice, to an effect of pure romance. "Our Mountains and Valleys" is already with a slightly more dominating role to the Johnny Brothers, singing the folky "Heeyaaa's" in full breasts these rhythmic drives starts to mean as much if not already more as the song expressions, adding strength also to the voice getting us somewhere more ambitious.

Sohn Suk Woo Anthology: Venus Recording Vol. 1

3 우리 애인은 올드미스 / Old Miss Lover -chachacha-

This is a pleasant chachacha pop song with use of a few words in English (with brass arrangements to a pop/rock band, arranged by composer Sug Woo Sohn).



°May 30, 1936.

During the singer’s Military service in the Marine Corps he had already a success with the song "goyeop" during the school festival. He gained a grade of Law at Seoul National University College. After being appointed to the USFK troops he began a career as a singer with rising popularity during the 1960's starting with the song "we loved the Old Miss". After the some movie theme songs like "Moth cheosiha" (1961, MBC drama), "Almost Barefoot" (1964 movie theme song) "hasuksaeng" (1965, Korea Broadcasting drama) his popularity grew further, and worked as a singer of the Four clovers, a band of singers from three prestigious universities in 1964.

He had been involved as a promoter of the National Congress for New Politics Party of Kim Dae-jung and announced a comeback in the political arena in 1995. The album "The Way" in 1974 already had shown his direction further into a business career. He ran for election the next year at the Dongan Party.



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