1+1 / 원플러스원 / One Plus One (& Light Of The East)

Technically these are good voices of western-styled, soft mainstream song based pop music with a Korean touch. Good for its genre, but less the sort of music for collectors of psychedelic and acid folk. Most of it contains more mainstream songs, but especially the 6th track in delicate folk-pop style is worth taking out.
I was a bit quick in reviewing this one in those early days. After so many years, I can say that I can really easily appreciate the harmony feeling in these songs, the nice vocal harmonies and sophistication of performance. The arrangements are done with band arrangements but keep the acoustic underground intact. It has leanings to pop music but is more acoustic than that. The duo still fits in that way to all the folk duos around.
1. 언덕에 서서 / Standing on a hill 2. 두마음 / Two hearts 3. 사랑을 미워해 / I hate love 4. 오늘은 일요일 / Today is Sunday 5. 둘하고 하나뿐 / Two and one only * 6. 당신의 모든 것을 / All of you 7. 그리움 / Longing 8. 사랑의 그림자 / The Shadow of Love 9. 나도 이젠 소녀예요 / I'm a girl now 10. 토요일 밤에 / On a Saturday night
Review on an article about recommended records with Light Of The Orient session band:
https://conermusic.tistory.com/238 (roughly translated, with mistakes still in) :
One plus one | One Plus One (1973)
"One Plus One's debut album was played by the light of the East. The first track, "Standing on the Hill," features a sporty swing compared to the lyrics, and is still one of the most remaining songs in the minds of people who remember One Plus One. Hate/ Love is unique in that the original version by Oh Seung-geun was a calming song composed of acoustic guitar accompaniment, but only Kang Geun-sik's distinctive Clinton electric guitar with a brilliant plunger effect. Today is Sunday's bass guitar scale, with a simple accompaniment comparable to Johnny Cathy's country. Compared to a rather ordinary song, <Only Two, One> it can be played with arrangements similar to the records of Hyun-kyung and Young-ae released at a similar time. Literally, the musical color of the light of the east still is reflected in the song. <All Your Things> along with <Standing on the Hill> is the most hit-like song in this album. It is another song that represents One Plus One, which is included in a number of omnibus albums released at the time, with the chorus called 'Dala La La La La La La La' attached to the last ending of the lyrics."

원플러스원 '당신의 모든 것을'로 인기 대열 합류
'당신의 모든 것을', '예전엔' 등으로 인기 대열에 합류한 원플러스원의 등장도 이때쯤입니다. 박헌룡과 뛰어난 보컬로 훗날 솔로로 활동하게 되는 정종숙의 혼성 듀오, 원플러스원의 70년대 중반 활동도 무척 인상적이죠. 이장희와 함께 원조 코털 가수라는 별명으로 유명한 가수 장계현과 템페스트, 그룹사운드보다 듀오의 활동이 더 활발할 때 발표된 '잊게 해주오'는 장계현만의 독특한 비음이 더해져, '나의 20년'과 함께 70년대 중 후반을 추억하는 가수로 남아 있습니다. 최근에는 '분다 분다'라는 11번째 앨범을 발표하기도 했습니다.
가수 김태곤의 노래로도 잘 알려진 '아야 우지마라'가 박두호에 의해 발표되었고, '밤에 떠난 여인' 등 매력적인 보이스 컬러로 사랑 받던 하남석의 번안곡 '바람에 실려', 그리고 74년 한국가요제에서 '저 꽃 속의 찬란한 빛이'로 대상수상을 비롯하여 많은 국제 가요제에 단골 출전하여 입상한 가수 박경희 등도 74년을 빛낸 가수들입니다.
"One Plus One Joins Popular Lines with 'Your Everything'
It is about this time that One Plus One has joined the ranks of popularity with 'All Yours' and 'Before'. It is also good to realize how Park Jong-sook and Jung Jong-suk's mixed duo, later became soloists, after One Plus One's activities in the mid 70s. "
On compilations:

V.A.: Golden Folk (Audio Phile 2005)
11 당신의 모든 것을 / All yours

7080을 위한 추억의 그룹 사운드 /
Remember the Group Sound of the 70s & 80s 2CD
CD2-16 당신의 모든 것은 / All of you
Also for western collectors One plus One's first album is a fine album to collect. It has a few stronger moments, mostly is just fine. It's rooted in the folk duo movement but has support of a fine studio band Light Of The East who also made some more psychedelic instrumental albums. I have not yet heard the second album. It has not been reissued yet.