오기택 - Oh Ki-Taek / Oh Kitaek
For a so-called compilation of 50s/60s songs I never expected such a rather cheap taste of Moog-like arrangements, with over-simplified...

오소영 - O So-Young
1집 기억상실(2001.1) - 하나음악 / Loss of memory 2001-02-26하나뮤직, 신나라뮤직 (KSC-A101) CD 01. 준비 / Ready 02. 덜 박힌 못 / The nail to be nailed less 03....

오정선 - Oh Jung-Sun <Lana.e.rospo
마음 / Heart SRB records – SOT-784 02 Feb 1978 A1 님을 위한 노래 / A Song for .. A2 사랑의 물결 / Wave of Love A3 꿈길 / A way to dream * A4 비야 내려라 /...

1+1 / 원플러스원 / One Plus One (& Light Of The East)
Technically these are good voices of western-styled, soft mainstream song based pop music with a Korean touch. Good for its genre, but...

어니언스 - Onions
This looks like a "best of" from the South-Korean duo called Onions. In their repertoire there must be some better and more original...

오정심 / Oh Jeong-Sim
Tracks you can find here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Kayo Museum 220 Best (CD box) CD9-4 눈 나리는 밤 / Naira's eyes at night (1968) This is a trot song...

오은주 - Oh Eun-Jo
Tracks can be found here: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best CD4-20 마도로스 아홉 살 / 9 year old Madorose (1965) This is a trot song with child's...

The Korea Jazz Band, Okeh Jazz Band & Columbia Jazz Band
ARTICLE 1: The Influence of Shanghai jazz in Korea: From https://www.sisain.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=19479 1930년대 상하이서 불어온...

오세은 - Oh Se-Eun (<Idol/Namsadang)
Radio show comments: "Track 8 is a longer track with a worked out acoustic guitar intro. Other instruments for improvisation within the...