오소영 - O So-Young

1집 기억상실(2001.1) - 하나음악 / Loss of memory
2001-02-26하나뮤직, 신나라뮤직 (KSC-A101) CD
01. 준비 / Ready 02. 덜 박힌 못 / The nail to be nailed less 03. 왜일까 / Why 04. 비밀 / Secret 05. 겁쟁이 / Coward 06. 잊고 싶어 / I want to forget 07. 기억상실 / Loss of memory 08. 실수 / Mistake 09. 그건 싫어 / I hate it * 10. 부작용 / Side effect * 11. 떠돌이 / Wanderer 12. 바람 / Wind 13. 부질없어 / Vanity 14. 눈을 감았지 / I closed my eyes
Tracks with * I consider tracks that from a western listener point of view stands very strong on their own, or that already might be rather unique on its own. They are of course also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. From tracks that are only underlined I cannot really say how essential they are.
While the CD starts in a rather poppy, somewhat public winning mode on the first two tracks, O So-Young’s music has in fact a singer-songwriter feel with acoustic or electric guitar composition, accompanied by either a poprockband, or in 2/3rd of her songs staying close to the soft guitar with O So-Young’s sweet (at times electrified) voice, with a great sound production, and with sparse extra elements of (reverb) electric guitar, drums, bass, and some keyboards.
The songs are strong enough with just guitar and voice. I guess it’s the right choice of songs that are arranged more.
My personal favourite still are the acoustic tracks, like “Loss of memory”. Three perfect, beautiful moody tracks with a very special atmosphere are the three tracks in a row : “Side effect” (voice, guitar, bells, fretless ? bass, piano, some sound effects), “Wanderer” (melodeon, acoustic guitar, voice, piano, bass) and “Wind” (beautiful fingerpicked acoustic guitar with vocals and oboe). These mentioned tracks are reserved for airplay on my radioshow.
All songs written by 오소영 ; Arranged bt 조동익[4] ; Producer 조동진 ; Director 조동익 ; Acoustic guitar 오소영 ; Eleictric guitar 이성렬,이한철(불독맨션) ; Piano & Synthesizers 박용준[5] ; Drums & Percussions & Drum programming & melodion 김영석,조동익,박용준 ; background vocal 고찬용[6],허은영,오소영 ; oboe 이소림 ; Bass 조동익
Early biography around the time of this album:
1974.7.5 Born in Busan, Korea
1994. 6th Prize of Yoo Jae-Ha music contest as a song “In the fall”
1997 Graduate at Dong-A University (Computer Engineering) in Busan
2000 HanaMusic Compilation Album “sea” as a song “Coward”
2001.2 First Album [Loss of memory]
2001.6.5 First Concert [Loss of memory] in Seoul
2003.8 HanaMusic Compilation Album [Project 4 : Dream] Concert
Now preparing for her second Album.
She learned guitar when she was 13. In 1994 she won the prize of 6th Yoo Jae-ha Music contest and joined HanaMusic Lable. Jo Dong-Jin produced and Jo Dong-ik directed her first album “Loss of memory”, and O So young wrote all songs and played all acoustic guitar.
작사, 작곡뿐만 아니라 전곡의 어쿠시틱 기타를 그녀 자신이 소화해 냄으로써 여성 싱어송라이터로서 진정한 엔터테이너의 등장을 예고하고 있다. 타이틀곡인 `기억상실`의 잔잔한 기타반주에 실은 그녀의 목소리는 거친 세상 속의 작아져만 가는 우리들의 애절한 모습을 잘 나타낸다.
"Not only did she write lyrics and compose her own acoustic guitar, but she also portrayed the emergence of a true entertainer as a female singer-songwriter. Her voice in the calm guitar accompaniment of the title song, Memory Loss, shows us how sad we are in the rough world."