이씨스터즈 / 이씨쓰터즈 - Lee Sisters

You can find some tracks here:

도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido
* CD5 9 모래위에 적어본 이름 / Name written in the sand
Lee Sisters had beautiful harmony vocals a bit reminiscent of Andrew Sisters. It is in that direction some of the tracks are performed with a warm sound of voices. Not much more than piano and an acoustic guitar rhythm (?) is heard.

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: 220 Best
* CD3- 13 서울의 아가씨 / Lady from Seoul (1964)
* CD3- 16 워싱톤 광장 / Washington Square (1963)
-ref. Village Stompers: "Washington Square"-
Also "Lady Of Seoul" is very much like Andrew Sisters. It fits with happy early 60s western pop. Accompaniment is guitar rhythm, percussion and some filmic orchestral finishing touches. The sound and vocal performance is simply brilliant. "Washington Square" has a smooth rhythm, and a powerful vocal arrangement.
* CD4-5 모래 위에 적어 본 이름 / Name written in the sand (1966)
* CD4-16 별들에게 물어봐 / Ask the stars (1966)
Nowhere vocal harmonies sounds more touching in this early 60s style, accompanied by strings, piano and bass than sung by Lee Sisters. Of course the next track fit with that sound too. I still don't understand why there does not exist a Lee Sisters compilation on CD yet.
* CD6-19 날씬한 아가씨끼리 / getting together (1967)
CD6-21 여군 미스리 / Mistress Miss Lee (1968)
Also this continues with the same band and the same sort of vocal arrangements. There's a bit of electric guitar in the first track too. The second track sounds a bit like a war song.

Master Builder Series: Composer Inbae Kim [Disc 1]
8 소문난 여자들 / Rumored women
This track starts with a twist guitar, but is taken over by orchestrations and drums and of course the vocal arrangements by the sisters.
Most recent LP reissue:

이씨스터즈 트리오의 금자탑 제2집 / 서울의 아가씨 /
Vol. 2 / Lady of Seoul ( LP-reissue 2017-03-28)
Side. A 1. 서울의 아가씨 / A lady in Seoul 2. 파 랑 새 (Dominique) 3. 바람둥이 죠 (Killer Joe) 4. 문리버(Moon River) 5. 남녘하늘 내고향 (South town U.S.A.) 6. 러브스타 (Love Star) 7. 콰이강 마-취 / River Kwai Side. B 1. 내사랑 코리나(Corrina Corrina) 2. 태양은 외로워(L'eclipse) 3. 그대 손목잡고 싶어(I Want to Hold Your Hand) 4. 희미한 사랑의 구름다리(Can't Help Falling in Love) 5. 지난날을 위하여(Just for old time sake) 6. 일요일은 참으세요(Never On Sunday)
remastered from original masters ;
180Gram Black Vinyl 300장 한정판매. MRC SOUND Lab. 마스터테이프 마스터링.
I luckily bought the album but have not heard it yet.
60년대 걸그룹의 아이콘 이씨스터즈의 1964년 두 번째 앨범이자 현재 품귀현상을 겪고 있는 앨범으로 수집가들 사이에 고가에 거래되고 있는 희귀 앨범이다. 다행이 이 음반의 마스터 테이프가 남아있어 원본사운드를 복원하였다는 점에서 이 재발매반의 의미를 가진다.
Translation: "It is the second album in 1964 of girl group Icon Sisters Band of the 60s, an album which is on demand. Fortunately, the master tape of this album still exist, which means that the original sound could be restored for a reissue on LP (뮤직리서치 2017)."
From an interview with Kim Hee-sun (now 71) who had been a member of the girl group legend "Lee Sisters." : “We've been singing for 10 years and have been on top, and we have a lot of hits. Young people didn't know Lee Sisters, but they knew “Ulleungdo Twist” well. There are a lot of groups that appeared and disappeared quickly.”