시인과 - Siinkwa Chonjang / Poet and a Village Chief
Good new folk-pop / singer/songwriter album with an attractive post-Beatles harmony vocals driven sound. While often more pop, there's...

서수남과 하청일 - Suh Soo-Nam & Ha Cheong-Il
서수남/하청일 - 코믹쏭 (Digipack) 최근입고 / The Comic Pack : 2014-10-02 (1972) 1. 빈대떡 신사 / Bindae Tteok Shrine 2. 나는 바위올시다 / Let me rock 3. 봄바람 임바람 /...

김치켓 / Kimchikats / KimChi-Cat
https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=lg34470&logNo=220025852430 (스토리가 담긴 가요와 색소폰) 검은 상처의 부루스 - 김치캣, Broken Promises -Sil austin(실...

화니 시스터즈 / Fanny Sisters
#harmonyvoices #harmonyvocals #F #sisterbands

이씨스터즈 / 이씨쓰터즈 - Lee Sisters
You can find some tracks here: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido * CD5 9 모래위에 적어본 이름 / Name written in the sand Lee Sisters had...

아리랑 부라더즈 - Arirang Brothers
One track can be found here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 Music Museum 220 Best (CD-Box) (2006) CD3-18 정 시스터즈 / Chung Sisters & 아리랑 부라더즈 / Arirang...

쟈니브라더스 - Johnny Brothers (Johny Brothers)
Tracks you can find here: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best CD10-1 빨간 마후라 / Red muffler (1964) CD10-2 가슴을 펴라 / Stretch your chest (1965) Johnny...

봉봉사중창단 - Bong Bong (Bon Bon) / Bong Bong Quartet Band
Described by the traders where I found the album as sounding like Everly Brothers, this is a rather special 60s psych-pop (mostly cover)...

바블껌 - Bubble Gum
This is a rather nice reissue of acoustic songs with harmony vocals. The first six tracks have orchestrations too. Especially the first...

트윈폴리오 / 트윈 폴리오- Twin Folio
송창식 Song, Chang-Sik & Yoon, Hyung-Ju 윤형주 트윈 - 폴리오 걸작 Especially on some of the early tracks on this compilation I recognise that for the...