트윈폴리오 / 트윈 폴리오- Twin Folio
송창식 Song, Chang-Sik & Yoon, Hyung-Ju 윤형주

트윈 - 폴리오 걸작
Especially on some of the early tracks on this compilation I recognise that for the close harmonies and qualities in their separate voices, Twin Folio surely are extremely gifted and talented. Their choice of songs however suffers possibly from the censorship of government control, so the choice isn’t always the best. Their harmonies follow the traditions from let’s say Blue Diamonds (who were an interpretation of Everly Brothers), Twin Folio can be more subtle and softer and folkier, have also separate singing voices before adding harmonies at certain points. During the listen we thought to figure out some songs like track 2. “Early in The Morning”, 3. “Edelweiss”, 4. Blue Diamond’s “Let it be me”, 6. “Marchin In”, 7. “San Fransisco”, 11. “Plaisir D’Amour” 12 “Somewhere my love”, partly sung in correct pronunciation of English. The first song is with strings and wind instruments, glockenspiel, acoustic guitar. The interpretation of Edelweiss with acoustic guitar and voices only is a nice mellow sensitive interpretation. Also the “Let it be me” with strings, guitar and soft drums is done very well. The 5th track, Joan Boaz’s “Queen Of Hearts”, accompanied by acoustic guitar and voices only, is also worth taking out with beautiful / blissful and successful voice qualities ; it perhaps is even an exceptional interpretation. Still I wonder why songs of "Edelweiss" and especially the awful orchestrated choice of “When the Saints go marching in” (however well sung) aren’t chosen for nationalist reasons only. Most songs are with acoustic guitar and voices only. Chang-Shik and Yoon Hyong-Jo as the Twin Folio were are regarded as the first 'folk' artists who did recordings.
Update: I finally found the originals from the LP tracks by Twin Folio :
1 “Aria di Festa” by Milva,
2 “Early in the Morning”, Cliff Richard,
3 “Edelweiss” (The Sound of Music soundtrack by Richard Rodgers)
4 “Let it Be Me” by Everly Brothers,
5 “Ace of Sorrow” by Brown and Dana,
6 “Battle hymn of the republic” by Tenessee Ernie Ford,
7 “Massachussetts” by Bee Gees,
8 “Wedding Cake” by Connie Francis,
9 “Me T’Aspro Mou Mantilli” by Nana Mouskouri,
10 “Lo Mucho que te quiero” by Rene and Rene,
11 “Plaisir d'Amour”, by Nana Mouskouri,
12 “Somewhere my love” by Franck Pourcel.

트윈폴리오 (송창식.윤형주) - 걸작 (CD)
Twin Folio (Song Chang-sik, Yoon Hyung-joo): Masterpiece
Korean titles with English translations):
01. 축제의 노래 / Song of the Festival
02. 행복한 아침 / Happy Morning
03. 에델바이스 / Edelweiss
04. 낙엽 / Fallen leaves
* 05. 슬픈운명 / Sad Destiny
06. 회상의 노래 / Song of Recollection
07. 고별 / Farewell
08. 웨딩케익 / Wedding Cake
09. 하얀 손수건 / White handkerchief
10. 더욱더 사랑합니다 / I love you more and more
11. 사랑의 기쁨 / The joy of love
12. 내사랑 어디로 / Where is my love?
Most of these tracks are in fact fine listens. Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics. It is difficult to say how essential several of these tracks are because every track still is tastefully performed. After a later listen, I cannot say why I originally had something against "Edelweiss," because also this track sounds perfectly fine to me. "The Song of Recollection" remains one of the tracks I still prefer not to like its choice at all, remaining for my taste the only minor moment. Also "Farewell" still sounds a bit mellow. Obvious there are even more mellow moments. Some of it leans a bit into (a more folkier version of) the direction of Simon & Garfunkel. If you really don't mind mellow approaches this album will also work out for western collectors tastes.

This is a really fine compilation of two groups and two related soloists from the same era that were influenced by pop/folk/rock and made original music.
Twin Folio were from the dual harmony vocals folk/pop style (already reviewed above).
The solo works from Lee Jong-Yong and Yoon Hyung-Ju are more ballad arranged song folk/pop/rock with acoustic, still good music.
But the best and must tracks in this collection for the western collector are all those of Onions, sadly only 4 of them, all great, rather English-styled 60s pop/rock with acoustic guitars, drum, bass and harmony vocals, with the last track only harmony vocals and pickings. I am sure such tracks as those of Onions will really do it for collectors if they were made available to the western market.
See also http://hyunjiwoon.tistory.com/9
"Twin Folio, the legendary ’60s duo that emerged from Seoul music cafe C’est Si Bon" "Back in the ’60s, C’est Si Bon was the hottest place in the city to listen to folk song competitions. With his silky voice Yun Hyeong-ju (Kang Ha-neul (강하늘) was the star of the cafe, until newcomer Song Chang-sik (Jo Bok-rae (조복래) instigates a rivalry. With their clashing egos a duo would be impossible, and as such Jang-hee (Jin Goo (진구) enlists talented country boy Oh Gun-tae (Jeong Woo (정우) to make a trio. Their inability to work together changes when beautiful aspiring actress Min Ja-yeong (Han Hyo-joo (한효주) enters the club, inspiring them to collaborate and become one of the most successful bands of the era."
"C’est Si Bon opened in 1953 in Mugyo-dong, Jung District, central Seoul. Until its closure in 1969, Korea’s first music hall was a hangout for musicians like Song Chang-sik and Cho Young-nam, who represented popular culture of the ’60s and ’70s. "

트윈폴리오 이종용 윤형주 어니언스 - The Musician Series (2CD)
Twin Folio, Lee Jong Yong, Yoon Hyung Joo, Onion
[KBS미디어] 더 뮤지션 시리즈 : 트윈폴리오 이종용 윤형주 어니언스
CD1 01 하얀손수건 / White Handkerchief
CD1 02 고별 / Parting CD1 03 더욱 사랑합니다 / I Love You More
CD1 04 슬픈 운명 / Sad Destiny CD1 05 회상의 노래 / Song of Recollection CD1 06 웨딩케익 / Wedding cake CD1 07 낙엽 / Falling leaves CD1 08 에델바이스 / Edelweiss CD1 09 행복한 아침 / Happy Morning CD1 10 축제의 노래 / Song of Festival
7080이라는 문화장르와 세대를 겨냥한 다양한 대중 문화상품이 쏟아지는 가운데 눈에 띄는 음반 상품이 출시됐다. KBS미디어(대표: 정태진)가 출시중인 편집음반 ‘더뮤지션시리즈’는 1950년대부터 1980년대까지 한국의 대표적인 가수들을 선별하여 바로 그시대를 살았던 40대에서 60대가 꿈을 꾸던 시절! 사랑하고 방황하던 시절의 대표적인 음악들로 선곡, 오리지널 원곡으로 담겨있다.
Not yet mentioned before is "Parting", a mellow duo song (solo voices and vocal harmonies) with lead acoustic and electrified acoustic guitar and lush orchestrations. "I love you more" partly in English is one of the greater tracks for my taste with double acoustic picking guitars and nice vocal harmonies. The song is sung in English. All the other tracks were listed before.

윤형주 / Yoon Hyung Joo : Golden Best Golden Best (2CD) (2012)
CD2 9 아가씨들아 / Ladies
CD2 16 구혼자의 소청 / Suitor's complaint
Also this is a cover but I can't recall from which song. It's a song with simple harmony vocals and lead vocals with one picked and strummed guitar only. "Suiter's Complaint" is basically also a solo track by Yoon Hyung Joo with some harmony vocals here and there. It is a fine short lullaby-like song with simple acoustic guitar. These tracks or at least the second one I guess was more part of Yoon Hyung Joo's solo work.

송창식/ 윤형주/ 김세환 - 세시봉 친구들: 43년 지기 친구들의 음악 그리고 이야기들...
Song Chang-sik / Yoon Hyung-ju / Kim Se-hwan-Se-bong's Friends: 43 Years of Friends ...
Universal Music 2011년03월24일 (4CD)
Disc. 4 (트윈폴리오 이야기) / (Twin Folio Story)
01. 축제의밤 / Festival Night
02. 모닥불 / Bonfire
03. 하얀손수건 / White Handkerchief
04. 빗속을울며 / In the rain
05. 이별 (슬픈운명) / Goodbye (Sad Destiny)
06. 더욱더사랑해 / I love you more and more
07. 에델바이스 / Edelweiss
08. 웨딩케익 / Wedding Cake
09. 우리 / We
10. 축제의 노래 / Song of the Festival
11. 고별 / Farewell
12. 당신을 만나던 날 / The day I met you
13. 잃어버린 사랑 / Lost Love
14. 마리아 / Maria
15. 안개 / Fog
This is a late reunion album. The first CD are dedicated to the solo works of each artist, the last CD makes Twin Folio a new Trio. The arrangements of the first two tracks are studio pop music and are light and in fact completely commercial and mainstream despite use of synths (with a Moog-like sound on the first track), drums, and electric guitar and bass to the acoustic guitar. Some tracks are rather nice to hear like the relaxing White Handkerchief, in a nostalgic way without being outstanding as can be expected from reunions out of several points of view. Keeping a track like "Goodbye (Sad Destiny)" plain and simple with acoustic pickings and voices is in fact much more effective. It is the best track so far. The complet concept does not make me nostalgic so works more quickly in a boring effect, preferring not even to review this album with too much detail. Besides the extra arrangements here and there, the relaxed mode without the passion of a youngster does not provide me a very strong message, knowing it just keeps on following the safe road the mainstream has laid out. Only for completists. Even the busker-like "Maria" with some vocal harmony still sound a bit boring and lame to me. "Fog" is a cover of a classic Korean pop history song but also hardly can capture the effect of capturing the unique moment despite the help of the song.
43년이라는 세월 속에 꽃 핀 우정의 하모니 “세시봉친구들” 최근 한국 가요시장의 가장 눈에 띄는 트렌드는 바로 세시봉 열풍이다. 청바지에 통기타, 생맥주, 포크송 등의 아이콘으로 대변 되는 세시봉의 주역들이 다시 뭉쳐 메마른 현대인의 삶에 낭만의 향수를 불러 일으키고 있는 것이다. 지금 발매 되는 이들의 ‘공식앨범’은 세시봉 열풍의 상징이 될 앨범으로 수록된 68여곡의 트랙리스트는 당신을 어설픈 기타를 튕기며 친구와 노래를 부르던 그 시절로 그 장소로 데려다 놓을 것이다. 특히 이번 앨범에는 매우 희귀 음원 두 곡이 있다. Disc 2 수록되어 있는 이 곡들은 송창식 윤형주씨가 재결성 이후 새롭게 부른 가장 최근 곡들이다. <안개>의 경우 원곡이 과거 ‘정훈희’씨가 불렀던 곡이고 <마리아>는 ‘패티김’씨가 불렀던 “사랑하는 마리아”라는 곡이 원곡으로 이번 앨범에서 송창식, 윤형주씨의 스타일로 재해석 하여 세시봉 스타일의 진수를 맛보게 한다. 43년의 세월 속에서 꽃 핀 우정의 하모니, ‘세시봉 친구들’은 송창식, 윤형주, 김세환만의 하모니가 아닌 그 시대를 향유한 모든 이를 위한 하모니가 될 것이다.

비의 나그네/아가씨들아 / Rain's wayfarer / ladies (1972)
7 아가씨들아 / Ladies
10 구혼자의 소청 / Suitor's complaint

젊은이를 위한 CD 음악시리즈 2집 / Music Series for Young People vol. 2
1 하얀 손수건 / White handkerchief

추억의 신청곡 Best 40 (2CD) / Application Song of Memories Best 40
CD1 아가씨들아 / Ladies
See also the solo works of Song Chang-Shik and Yoon Hyong-Jo
From the many duo folk singers in the folk guitar singer/song period which exist in Japan and South-Korea, this is an important duo especially because of the particular singer/songwriters involved. It's style however tend to accept the more mellow sides and songs as well so every song might not always work for everybody's taste. The early word are still worth to trace with a slight caution for the aforementioned reason.