신중현 더 멘 - Shin Jung-Hyun & The Men

Folkie Jin : Kim Jung Mi's most recent songs collection (Shin Jung-Hyun songs collection) Universal record. Musical performance by The men. This record is an actually her debut album. Her early voice was a little bluesy and soulful. Features of music are normal Psychedelic pop sound with much brass arrange and a little string arrangements. Especially Son Hak-Rae of The men played Saxophone and Oboe at this album. Side B 4 has a little fuzz guitar sound touches with brass arrangements. Mostly songs are soft pop Psychedelic numbers. I think that this album has a psychedelic pop sound.

Folkie Jin : "From this record only the song on Side B(2) got a reissue in CD format in 2002, on The men compilation album. The men was his best days group with Yupjeons and made highest perfectionist songs because of the participation of Son Hak-Rae(Saxophone, Oboe). They played mostly long time Psychedelic numbers and longer than original song at live show. It was a great improvisation performance!! But sadly, live songs weren't recorded. The Men members were Shin Jung-Hyun(Lead guitar and vocal), Lee Tae-Hyun(Bass), Mun Yung-Bae(Drum), Son Hak-Rae(Saxphone,Oboe),Kim Gi-Pyu(Organ),Park Kwang-Su(Vocal) with guest vocalist(Kim Jung-Mi,Lim A-Yung,Jang Hyun etc.)
At this time Shin Jung Hyun had to consider both a Popular and Experimenting approach, like the record company demanded. So Side A contains popular short songs with a Guest singer and Side B are more longer psychedelic songs of his group the Men, with Jang Hyun and the men, Jiyeon and the men, Yoon Young-Kyun. So you must pay attention to Side B songs!!
Side B2 Jandi(Lawn) means Marijuana (local secret language). This song is a very unique and fascinating eastern psychedelic number.
Side B1 Beautiful Rivers and Mountains is a masterpiece song of Korean psychedelica. He wrote this song for a week at Korean group sound office room. This song is a about praising the nature of Korea.
Great psychedelic Gem and Eastern psychedelic style song! And you can hear nice fuzz guitar sounds at the latest section."
http://waxidermy.com/jang-hyun-the-men-woman-of-the-evening-sun/ :
Jang Hyun & The Men – Woman Of The Evening Sun
Added January 3, 2011 by Kris Holmes
"This LP is something of a classic as far as Korean Psychedelic Rock goes. Shin Jung Hyun is the guitarist and writer and he is a pretty legendary figure in Korean Rock music. Side A features a number of shorter, more commercial styled songs with Shin Jung Hyun’s band The Men behind featured vocalist Jang Hyun. The first track on Side A is called Twilight and was recently comped by Now-Again on their Forge Your Own Chains international Psych compilation. Side B features two longer tracks performed by Shin Jung Hyun’s band The Men. The first is a long psych/rock burner called Beautiful Rivers & Mountains. The legend has it that Park Jung Hee (the president of Korea’s Military regime at the time) wanted Shin Jung Hyun to compose a song in praise of the President, Regime & the Blue House (presidential house). Shin Jung Hyun protested and came back with a song about the landscape of Korea and for this protest he was jailed for a time. The second song on Side B is a slow number called The Lawn which is apparently a thinly veiled ode to Marijuana use, pretty heady stuff for early 70s Korea and a really solid listen from start to finish. Check out “Beautiful Rivers & Mountains” in it’s entirety!"
See also Jang Hyun.

Folkie Jin : "Musical performance by The men. This record music style is a soft pop psychedelic music. It has a little string arrangement and psychedelic performances (oboe, saxphone, organ, electric guitar etc.) This record reissued only CD format in 2002."

Folkie Jin : "Musical performance by The men. This record only Side B 2 song reissued by The men compilations album CD format in 2002. Also this record has Side A is a popularly and shortly songs with guest female singer Ji Yeon. And Side B has long time and psychedelically songs of the men. So you must pay attention to the Side B songs!! Song B1 is a his unique guitar riff and natural melody line song and his forgotten great song. Song B2 has varied musical instruments (guitar and keyboards etc.), with a solo performance on a regularly bass line. This performance is a brilliant The Men improvisation, together with "It's a lie"."
Short review of the reissue:

King Rec. / MRC 나만이 걸었네 / I only walked (re.2017)***°'
track 1-5 with Ji-Yeon
track 6-7 Shin Yung-Hyun
Side A contains all more pop/rock-related songs, in a relaxed but not really commercial sense. You can already recognise Shin Yung-Hyun’s ability to arrange and compose. The rock band is already there playing in a relaxed mode on these slow songs, allowing a moody groove while subtle string and oboe arrangements can be heard too. When the band really takes over on side two, with a male singer first, then with its instruments, it almost feels like a natural step further. Especially the long, almost 12-minute track, jamming rhythmically and with organ mood repetitions and improvising with electric guitar on its groove still stands out well. On the last part, a song suddenly appears to it, with the necessary psychedelic improvisations added to it. For psych lovers this surely will be appreciated very well.
It took a long while before the album had another reissue, but here it is.

지연 / Ji-Yeon - 나만이 걸었네(신중현 작곡집) /
I only walked (Shin Jung Hyun Composer) MRC/King Records 2017
Side. A Ji-Yeon
1. 나만이 걸었네 / I only walked 2. 그대 있는곳에 / Where you are 3. 소같은 사나이 / A man like a cow * 4. 미련 / Frivolity 5. 처음보는 순간에 / At first sight
신중현 / Shin Jung Hyun Side. B
* 1. 그리운 그 님아 / Nostalgic nymphs 5:44 * 2. 안개속의 여인 / The Woman in the Fog (11:34)
180g Virgin Vinyl 日本 東洋化成 Pressing 브로마이드, 인서트, 스티커 포함 700매 넘버링 한정반 700 numbered copies
신중현이 픽업했던 여러 여가수들 중에서 지연은 알려진 것이 별로 없다. 지연을 얘기하기 이전에 반듯이 언급해야 할 사람은 김추자의 전 매니저였던 국가대표 레스링 선수 출신인 소윤석이다. 그는 1969년 김추자의 데뷔음반에서 <소야 어서가자> 등 3곡을 부르면서 신중현과 인연을 맺었다. 이후 소윤석은 노래를 부르는 가수보다는 김추자의 매니저로서 가요계에 종사하게 된다. 그는 1972년 김추자와의 모종의 사건 이후 1973년 새로운 여가수 지연을 발탁하여 그녀의 매니저로 가요계에 복귀한다. 이미 톱가수 김추자를 겪어봐서 여러모로 눈높이가 높았던 소윤석이 지연을 발탁한 것은 그만한 이유가 있었다. 지연은 한양여고와 서라벌예대를 거치며 무용을 전공했다. 문공부주최 전국민속예술제 등에서 16회나 입상경력이 있는 그녀는 1971년엔 민속무용단의 일원으로 미국에 건너가 공연을 갖기도 했다. 거기다가 당시로서는 큰 165cm의 늘씬한 키에 미모까지 갖추었는데 노래실력만 좀 못 미치는 것 빼고는 김추자와 비슷한 조건이었다. 소윤석은 자신의 해병대 동기에게 동생 김지연을 소개받아 1973년 초부터 신중현에게 보컬 트레이닝을 받게 했다. 신중현은 가수로서 그녀의 재능을 발견하고 1973년 5월 25일 첫 앨범「지연」(유니버살, KLS-65)을 발매하게 된다. 44년 만에 재발매된 바로 이 음반이다. 이미 김추자의 매니저를 경험한 소윤석은 그만큼 인맥도 넓었을 것이다. 당시 가요계의 흥행보증수표로 떠오른 신중현에게 곡을 받을 수 있었고 또한 자신의 로비력으로 1973년 5월 19일에 TBC-TV의 인기 주말 쇼프로 <쇼쇼쇼>에 지연을 출연시켜 음반에 수록된 <그대 있는 곳까지>를 미리 부를게 할 수 있었다.(일간스포츠 73.5.19, 아리랑 73.7, 176p) 이 음반이 처음 발매된 1973년 신중현의 주변상황을 살펴보자. 1971년부터 이어오던 밴드 더 맨을 1973년 초에 해체하고 5인조의 엽전들을 결성한 그는 아직 밴드의 공개적인 활동이나 음반취입을 못한 채 1973년을 보내고 있었다. 밴드활동에 비해 신중현은 다른 가수들에게 곡을 주어 음반을 취입시키는 비즈니스 활동은 상당한 성과가 있었다. 이용복과 시각장애인 학교에서 같은 밴드를 했던 윤용균의 독집음반을 1973년 5월 4일(유니버살, KLS-61)에, 차현아의 독집을 1973년 5월25일(유니버살, KLS-67)에, 또한 김정미의 연이은 걸작음반 두 장을 1973년 11월 2일(「바람」, 유니버살, KLS-76)과 1973년 12월(「Now」, 성음 SEL-100023)에 발매했다. 그러고 보면 1973년은 신중현이 1969년부터 1972년에 이르기까지 펄시스터즈와 김추자에 이어 새로운 솔로가수들을 데뷔시키기 위해 노력했던 한 해로 볼 수 있다. 이런 배경을 염두에 두고 음반의 내용을 들여다보자. 총 7곡이 수록된 앨범의 앞면은 지연의 솔로곡들이고 뒷면은 연주를 맡은 더 맨의 곡으로 구성되어있다. 이런 앞뒷면의 편성방식은 장현과 더 맨, 윤용균, 차현아의 음반에서도 이미 반복되어 사용되는 것이다. 즉 연주와 노래, 솔로와 그룹이 서로 대등한 관계를 이루며 음반의 다양한 음악세계를 보여주는 신중현의 방식이다. 연주를 맡은 밴드가 더 맨이라고 보는 이유는 1973년 말까지 발매했던 김정미의 모든 음반의 연주를 더 맨이 담당했었고, 더 맨에서 사용되었던 오보에 연주가 지연의 음반에서도 등장하고 있기 때문이다.지연의 음반을 위해 새롭게 작곡된 곡은 <그대 있는 곳까지> <소같은 사나이> <처음 보는 순간에> 3곡에 불과하다. <나만이 걸었네>는 1969년 김상희 음반에 먼저 수록되었고 <미련>은 임아영, 김추자, 장현 등 여러 가수가 이미 취입한 바 있다. 뒷면에 수록된 11분 34초의 롱버전인 <안개속의 여인>은 1972년「장현과 더 맨」에 먼저 발표한 곡이다. 또한 뒷면의 <그리운 그님아>는 1964년 애드포 음반에 처음 수록되었다. 이런 사실을 고려하면 이 음반을 통해 지연이 거둔 음악적 성과는 그리 크지 않다는 느낌이다. 신중현이 프로듀스했던 펄시스터즈, 김추자, 이정화, 김정미 등의 음반이 가수의 이름으로 기억되는 이유는 그들이 비록 신중현의 지도를 받으며 신중현의 곡을 노래했지만 그것을 넘어서는 자신의 보컬의 매력으로 음반을 장악했기 때문이다. 하지만 이 음반에서 지연의 보컬은 신중현의 지도를 충실히 따라가는 정도에 머물고 내재된 자신만의 개성을 드러내지 못하고 있는 듯하다. 또한 같은 시기에 발매된 윤용균과 차현아의 음반은 화려한 사이키델릭 풍 또는 신중현의 작편곡 음반임을 암시하는 재킷 이미지라도 있지만 지연의 음반재킷은 평범하다. 그럼에도 이 음반이 음반수집가들의 수집 욕을 자극시키며 수백만원의 고가에 거래되는 이유는 실체를 보기 힘든 희귀함 때문이다. 또한 뒷면에 수록된 롱 버전의 <안개속의 여인>과 <그리운 그 님아>의 존재도 한 몫 한다. 특히 <그리운 그 님아>에서 간결하고 탄탄한 신중현의 기타연주와 직접 들려주는 샤우팅한 보컬 그리고 오르간과 기타가 주고받는 애드립이 좋은 음악에 목마른 청자의 갈증을 달래주기에 충분하다. 음반발매 이후, 소윤석과 김지연은 연인관계로 돌입했고 결혼에 이른다. 김지연은 1974년에「김지연」이라는 독집을 발매하는데 이 음반은 신중현이 도와주었던 다인종 밴드 골든 그레입스의 멤버였던 함중아가 주도했다. 그는 밴드 리바이블 크로스를 결성해 김지연을 추가시켜 앞면은 김지연, 뒷면은 리바이블 크로스의 곡으로 된 음반을 발매했다. 이 방식도 신중현의 음반들과 똑같은 방식이다. 그 음반에서 리바이블 크로스의 연주는 신중현 밴드의 색깔이 짙지만 김지연의 보컬은 변모를 보여준다. 1973년 신중현의 지도로 발매했던 이 음반에서는 목소리를 좀 띄워서 내지만 1974년 차기작에서는 단단하고 힘 있는 보컬을 보여주며 자신의 색깔을 찾아가고 있다. 김지연이 어떤 연유로 음악활동을 중단했는지는 모르나 함중아가 1980년대 초반에 자신의 시대를 맞이했듯이 계속 활동을 했으면 좋은 가수로 흔적을 남겼을지도 모른다는 아쉬움을 갖게 한다. 이 음반의 44년만의 재발매는 신중현사단의 베일에 가려진 여가수인 지연의 존재를 온전하게 지금의 대중에게 재발견해 소개한다는 점에서 의미가 있다. /글=대중음악저술가 김형찬
Roughly translated with the help of Google Translate:
Kim Ji-Yeon is not very well known among the various female singers that Shin Jung-hyun has picked up.
Before I talked about her, I would like to mention other person first is So Yoon Seok, a former national studio musician who was former manager of Kimchi. In 1969, she wrote three songs such as "Let's Go to Soya" on his debut album of Kim Ki-ja, with help of Shin Jung-hyun. After that, she became engaged in the music industry as a manager of Kim Ki-ja, rather than being a singer performer. In 1973, after an incidental cooperation with Kim Chu - ja in 1972, he made another delay in his own musical career and returned to the music industry as a manager. There was a reason why So Yoon Seok, who had been the lead singer for Kim Ji-ja and who had high esteem in many ways, made a delay. She also majored in dance after going through Hanyang Girls 'High School and Seorabal. She became a member of the National Folk Arts Festival sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and has won 16 times. She was a member of the folk dance group in 1971 and performed in the United States. In addition, at the time, he was larger as usual, 165cm tall and had beautiful hair, whereas KIMCHIJA, only was able to sing.
Soo-seok introduced her brother, Kim Ji-yeon, in her place, and from early 1973 she received a vocal training from Shin Jung-hyun. Shin Jung-hyun discovered her talent as a singer and released her debut album "Delay" (Universal, KLS-65) on May 25, 1973. This record is now reissued after 44 years. Soon-suk who had already experienced Kim Ji-ja as manager but also found time to record a song from Shin Jung-hyun, who became a hit-and-found person in desire for in the music industry at the time. He also appeared on TBC-TV's popular weekend show "Show Shows" on May 19, 1973 with his own lobbies. (Daily Sports 73.5.19, Arirang 73.7, 176p).
Let's take a look at Shin Jung-Hyun's situation in 1973 when this record was first released. Having disbanded the former band in 1973 he now had a five - player band, since 1973 but with no public activities or recordings. Compared to the band activities, Shin Jung-hyun had a lot of business activities to aid with musical accompaniment to other singers.
On May 4, 1973 (Universal, KLS-61), Cha Hyun-ah's solo album was released on May 25, 1973 (Universal, KLS-67) In addition, two successive masterpieces of Kim Jung-mi were released on November 2, 1973 (Wind, Universal, KLS-76) and December 1973 (Now, Gongjin SEL-100023). In 1973, Shin Jung-hyun was seen as a year of trying to debut new solo singers after Pearl Sisters and Kim Chu-jae from 1969 to 1972.
With this in the back of his mind, let's look at the contents of the record. The front side of the album, which contains 7 songs, consists of the solo songs of Ji Yeon while the back side consists of the songs of the composer who played the music. This combination of front and back is already used repeatedly in the recordings of Jang Hyun, Dahman, Yoon Kyun Kyo, and Cha Hyun Ah. In other words, Shin Jung-hyun's way of showing various musical worlds of music by playing, singing, solo and group are equal to each other. The band that played the bands are called The Men because the Men was responsible for all of Kim Jung Mi's recordings that were released until the end of 1973, and the Oboe used in The Men appeared in the late album. Newly composed songs are only three songs at <the moment you see> <to the place where you are> <cattle-like man>. "I Only Had It" was first recorded on Kim Sang Hee 's music in 1969, and many other singers such as Im Aoyoung, Kim Chi - ja and Jang Hyun have already received it. “The Woman in the Fog”, which is a long version of 11 minutes and 34 seconds on the back, was first released with "Jang Hyun and The Man" in 1972. Also on the back of the album, "Nine Nostalgia" was recorded in 1964 for the first time on the Adop music label.
Considering this fact, I feel that the musical performance with its surrounding delays did not make this album so great. The recordings of Shin Seung-hyun's produced Perl Sisters, Kim Chi-ja, Lee Jung-hwa and Kim Jung-mi are remembered in the name of the singer because they took the lead by Shin Jung-hyun and sang Shin Jung-hyun's song, to be. However, in this record, the vocal of the Ji-Yeon seems to remain to the extent that it faithfully follows the lead of Shin Jung Hyun and does not reveal the inherent personality of true creative participation.
Also, Yoon Kyung-kyun and Cha Hyun-ah, released at the same time, have a record sleeve image suggesting that they are colorful psychedelic works. Nevertheless, this record still stimulates the collectors' collective desires and is traded at a high price of several million won because of its rarity. There is also a long version of "The Woman in the Fog" and "The Nanny Nee" on the B-side. Especially, the concert and solid Shin Jung Hyun's guitar playing, the shouting vocals that you can hear directly, and the ad-lib that the organ and guitar give and take are enough to soothe thirsty desire for good music.
After the release of the album, So Yeon Suk and Kim Ji Yeon entered into a love relationship and got married.
In 1974, Kim Ji-yon released a solo album called "Kim Ji-yeon", which was led by Ham Joong-ae who was a member of the multi-ethnic band Golden Grapes guided by Shin Jung-hyun. He created this new band and added Kim Ji Yeon as a front singer n side 1, with the band performances on the back. This method is the same as all Shin Jung-hyun's recordings. In the record, the performance of the Men still is Shin Jung - Hyun band, with which Kim Ji - yon 's vocals are shown a certain transformation.
In 1973, this album, which was released on the label of Shin Jung-hyun, shows off some of his own voices, which in his next work, will turn himself into a harder and more powerful sound of vocals. I do not know why Kim Ji - yeon stopped her musical activities for some reason, but I feel that she might have left a mark as a good singer if she would have continued her activities since in the early 1980 's. The reissue of this album for 44 years still is meaningful in that sense that it introduces a rediscovery to the current public of an album in which still is noticeable a veil of Shin Jung Hyun own musical vision.
Written by Popular music writer Kim Hyung-chan.
신중현 사단의 여가수 중 잘 알려지지 않은 지연(김지연)의 음반(1973) 역시 사이키델릭한 목소리와 신중현과 더맨의 연주로 이루어진 신중현 사운드의 걸작 중 하나이다. 신중현 작품집은 대부분 고가의 명반으로 대접 받는데, 이 음반 역시 음반수집가들의 수집 욕을 자극시키며 수백만원의 고가에 거래되는 이유는 실체를 보기 힘든 희귀함 때문이다.
Kim Ji-yeon, a discreet singer of Shin Ji-hyun's female singer, is also one of the masterpieces of Shin-Hyun's sound, composed of psychedelic voices and performances by Shin Ji-hyun and The Men. Most of Shin's collections are treated as expensive albums, and they also stimulate the collectors' desire to collect, and the reason they are sold at high prices of millions of won is because they rarely are seen.

Folkie Jin : "Musical performance by The men. This record reissued only LP in 2003. From this record only one SideB song was reissued by The men on the compilation CD album in 2002. Side A is a popular short songs with guest singer Yoon Young Kyun. Side B has long tracks, psychedelic songs by the men. So you must pay attention to the psychedelic Side B song!! This song reminded me of the Doors and hawkwind. Very progressive and really psychedelic. You can hear nice oboe, keyboards, guitar, drum solo's. Their best psychedelic Gem!"

the limited edition LP reissue

Shin Jung Hyun and the Men – It's A Lie World Psychedelia WPC6-8487 2005 CD
신중현 & 더 멘 - 거짓말이야 SJHMVD 0006, Pony Canyon Inc. 19 Nov 2002 CD
* 1 Beautiful Country 9:56
* 2 It's A Lie 22:15
* 3 A Woman In The Mist 11:32
On the first track, the band develops much more their style into psychedelic and greatly rocking sounds with nice oboe, harmony vocals, and strong groove. The second and longest long track is psychedelic bliss, a 23 minute excursion with a beautiful improvised, stretched and at times weird psychedelic organ solo, some psychedelic clarinet solo, some nice electric guitar improvisations (while the drums remain rather steady in their rhythms), concluding with the song theme with a psychedelic rock background. Also the last track is a great band improvisation of repetitive bass/organ and a freedom for the guitarist, and a bit further on for the organist. Amongst the best and most convincing Korean albums, and surely one of the most psychedelic ones. A must-have.
Forced Exposure : "'My Job is to Make Rock Music in Korean Style'. Guitarist Shin Jung Hyun is considered the father of Korean rock music, his career beginning in the mid-50's playing at post-war US Army bases. During the late sixties and early seventies his garage bands Donkeys and Questions composed hit singles and provided backing for the popular female vocalists of the time, such as Kim Jung-Mi and the Pearl Sisters. But it is the 1972-1973 recordings with his psychedelic group The Men that gets the blood flowing of international rock music explorers. Due to commercial demands of the record labels, the original LP's were configured as a side of shorter, poppier tracks with guest singers, while the flip was where the band was allowed to 'stretch out'. World Psychedelia has selected three of the best of these longer excursions -- 'Beautiful Country', 'It's A Lie' and 'A Woman In The Mist' -- forty-four minutes of oil-emulsion-slide acid rock with fluid guitar, organ textures and an occasional ethnic woodwind to gently remind the listener that the origin is SK not SF."
Dusty Groove : "Groovy psychedelia from early 70s Korea -- the titanic self-titled effort by Shin Jung Hyen & The Men! The notes and titles are in Korean, so we can't offer much in the way of biographical or historical details -- but the sound is rich with soaring organ work, groovy, groovy harmony vocals, chiming guitars and drums -- with epic length numbers that really set sights on the most ambitious and groovy late psychedelic rock and pop -- and totally hits the mark! 3 massive tracks (titles are Korean), the shortest nearly 10 minutes and the longest nearly 23 minutes long!"
Other Music : "...The record at hand was recorded with his group The Men and probably dates from around 1973. It's comprised of three wonderfully long psychedelic rock jams, and on every single song his rhythm section provides a chugging forward beat (imagine a Korean Neu! perhaps) over which Hyun and his cohorts play astonishingly inventive solos. The band will periodically drop out and Hyun will then chime in with his lovely sing/whispering and somehow turn a 20-minute extended jam into a pop tune."
Korean blog : "Yoon Yong Kyoon provides the (male) vocals for the first side of the third "and the Men" LP released in 1973. The only song on Side Two is "The Men's" 22 plus minute psychadelic classic, "It's a Lie" (Ka Ja Mal I Ya)"
Aquarius Records : "Another one for everybody who loved the groovy HE 6 album we listed not long ago! Guitar player Shin Jung Hyun was a big deal in the South Korean rock n' roll scene, going as far back as the '50s, when he played for the GIs on American military bases. His music even was apparently the subject of a tribute album a few years ago. In the late sixties/early seventies psychedelia took hold, and Shin Jung Hyun did it as well or better than anyone... totally funky, tripped-out, acid-rock freakdom. Lots and lots of acid-fuzz guitar jamming with bass, drums, organ and some flute too. Maybe for that reason this reminds us a bit of Dungen, actually. The material on this album (which may actually be entited It's A Lie, we're not sure) dates around 1972 or so. Though 44 minutes long, there's just three songs here, "Beautiful Country", "It's A Lie" and "Woman In The Mist", all consequently long and meandering (yet rhythmically tight, believe it), and mostly instrumental. It seems that these three might have originally been the extended flip-sides to shorter, more commerical cuts, compiled onto this disc for the benefit of anyone into far-out psych jamming as wedded to Asian pop of the era. Not so much heavy as it is simply seriously groovy and right-on, Shin Jung and The Men blend garage rock/surf/Frisco ballroom styles into a head-nodding, toe-tapping, mind-blowing, utterly dazzling unravelling of whatever "song" it seems they started off playing. That means: the singer does some nice kinda soft psych pop crooning to start things off, but he soon disappears and the band just takes off into outer realms, doing their thing and stretching out without care for commerical (radio play) considerations. Eventually the singer shows up again, but it's as if he left the room and then came back in some minutes later to finish the song, utterly unaware of what his band had been up to in the interim! We can only imagine what their live shows were like, must have been killer -- as this disc is, killer."
Rockadrome : "..there’s no mystery about the greatness of the three long tracks on this disc! minimal moody vocals don’t interfere in the slightest with the incredible fuzz and wah-wah guitar solos, the groovy and weird keyboards, the monster drum solos, or the oboe (yep, the oboe); truly psychedelic songs with all the strangeness that a non-Anglo approach to trippy music seems to engender, with touches of the Doors and early Hawkwind, if you need non-Asian reference points; I now fully comprehend why Koreans call this Shin Jung Hyun’s best record, and “a psychedelic gem.
See also Park Kwang-Soo & The Men