정훈희 - Jung Hoon-Hee (Chung Hoon-Hi)
This is a light but in fact great short (2->4 min songs) collection of pop/rock with very convincing warm and nice range of singing...

조애희 - Jo Ae-Hui / Cho Aehee
Music can be found on: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido CD5 13 파도처럼 / Like a Wave This is a kind of sad nostalgic waltz with a kind...

정태춘 - Jung, Tae-Choon, Cheong Tae Choon
정태춘 1집 - 시인의 마을 (LP Miniature)정태춘 노래 | 뮤직리서치 | 2008년 01월 10일 CD Music Research 정태춘 - 1집 시인의 마을 LP version 2016 MRCD1613 1978-11-5 LP 01 ...

정태춘 - Jung Tae-Choon & 정태춘 & 박은옥 - Jung Tae-Choon & Park Eun-Ok
also written as -Jung Tae-Chun & Park Eun-Yok / Jeong Tae-Chun and Park Eun-Ok / Cheong Tae-Choon and Park Eun-Ohk- 정태춘 - Jung Tae-Choon:...

장현 - Jang Hyun (and The Men)
"From this record only the song on Side B(2) got a reissue in CD format in 2002, on The men compilation album. The men was his best days...

신중현 더 멘 - Shin Jung-Hyun & The Men
Folkie Jin : Kim Jung Mi's most recent songs collection (Shin Jung-Hyun songs collection) Universal record. Musical performance by The...

죠커스 / Jokers
죠커스 히트앨범 제1집 (당신이 없는 세상) - 제조회사:1971.오아시스 OL 1047 The Jokers Hit Album Vol. 1 (World Without You) 1971.Oasis OL 1047. This is one of the...

쟈니브라더스 - Johnny Brothers (Johny Brothers)
Tracks you can find here: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best CD10-1 빨간 마후라 / Red muffler (1964) CD10-2 가슴을 펴라 / Stretch your chest (1965) Johnny...

조동진 - Jo Dong-Jin (Dongjin Cho)
This is a compilation of honest acoustic songwriting, starting with all sad songs, often directing towards something like early Leonard...

정종숙 - Jeong Jong-Suk / Jung Chong-Suk / (Jong-Sook) (1+1 / One plus One)
" When I checked out the double CD compilation, I found out that the singer was the solo career of 1+1 duo. The songs on the first CD are...