들고양이들 - Wild Cats

들고양이들 - Golden Best 2CD
* (CD-1) 01 마음 약해서 / Weak Mind 02 오동동타령 / Paulownia 03 십오야 / Fifteen 05 삼돌이 / my love 04 어와둥둥 내사랑 / Tumbling My Love * 06 정든배는 떠난다 / The boat is leaving 07 탈 / Ride 08 정든부두 / Jungden Pier 09 난 정말 몰랐었네 / I really didn't know 10 강변에서 / By the riverside (of Babylon - Bonnie M) 11 언젠가 내곁에 / Someday by my side 12 외로운 소녀 / Lonely Girl 13 나뿐이야 / Only me 14 나비소녀 / Butterfly Girl
15 외로운 소녀 / Lonely girl (Blondie) 16 그리움 마음 / Longing Hearts
(CD-2) 01 남자의 마음 / The Heart Of A Man * 02 돌아와요 부산항에 / Niliri Mambo 03 홍도야 울지마라 / Hongdo, don't cry
04 애수의 소야곡 / Gossip 05 홍도야 울지마라 / Chiquitita My love (- Abba) 06 내사랑 치키티타 / Wet Tumen River *07 노래가락 차차차 / Cha Cha Cha Song
08 전우 / Comrade 9 이별의 부산 정거장 / Busan station of farewell 10 홍콩아가씨 / Hong Kong girl
11 처녀 총각 / Virgin bachelor 12 대지의 항구 / Earth port
13 아리랑 목장 / Arirang Ranch
14 삼다도 소식 / Samdado News
15 다함께 노래를 / Singing together
16 사랑의 이야기 / Love story
There's an easy attraction about the band sound. The first track with funky guitars is disco-pop with female harmony vocals, certain vocoder parts, basically is a light modernization of a trot song. The more modern form is still spontaneous and light it keeps it attraction, even though it quickly could turn into a more commercial tv-show medley s easily, almost the whole collection the band keeps its lightheartedness intact in a convincing fresh way. Most tracks are trot songs, but I also recognize some covers like Bonny M's "River of Babylon" or Blondie ("Lonely girl"). There's a very uplifting peasant version of "Nilriri Mambo" (with harmony vocals, groovy but light electric piano, basic bass and drums), and we also hear a light version of Chiquitita (Abba). This Abba-influence can be heard in the vocals elsewhere too. A few songs have only solo singing. Although the tendency to lead to a light, commercial song mode, the funky disco touch and the formula of harmony vocals, some Moog-like keyboards with light drum & bass makes it still work.
Although some of it can sound commercial. It's certainly worth taking certain highlighting tracks out. Favorites are CD1-1 마음 약해서, CD 1-6 정든 배는 떠난다, CD 2-2, 닐리리맘보 / Nilriri Mambo, CD2-4, 애수의 소야곡, perhaps CD2 7-9 & 11, 노래가락 차차차 / Song chachacha, with the cover 전우 / Comrade and also the up tempo commercial funk tracks like 이별의 부산정거장 or 처녀 총각 / Virgin bachelor, besides the folk-funk track of CD2,13, 아리랑 목장 / Arirang Ranch
들고양이들(임종임.김병희.지복희.고은진.임현준.심재영)은 1971년에 미8군을 통해 데뷔하여 월남등 동남아에서 최고의 전성기을 맞이했고. 1979년 국내에 들어와 새로이 취입한 마음약해서. 오동동타령.등 1집을 출시 하자마자 30만장 이란 기록적인 판매량을 기록하는 7080의 선두주자로써 디지탈 음반으로 재구성 하여 출시합니다.
The Wild Cats (Lim Jong Im, Kim Byung Hee, Ji Bok Hee, Go Eun Jin, Lim Hyun Joon, Shim Jae Young) made their debut at the US Army Stage in 1971 and reached their peak in Southeast Asia. In 1979 they returned to South Korea.
The Cats started singing on the eighth US army stage in the late 1960s, with Sim Jae-young, the leader and keyboard player, and Lim Jong-im, lead vocals, as a six-member mixed group.
The Cats have been known overseas before Korea. They had started an expatriation concert in Vietnam, and worked in Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore. They were especially popular in Hong Kong for nine years. After gaining experience abroad they came back to Korea to make their debut album. The debut album came out in 1979. It was a mixture of Korean trot, funk and disco. Still, this addictive follow-up has attracted a lot of attention. Their debut knew broadcast everywhere. It was so popular that it even came out to comedy movies that mimic songs .
The life span of the group was not long. Due to the members' marriages, solo activities, the early members all left the team. The band eventually disbanded in 1984. Lim Jong-im, the lead vocal, is now a businessman. Shim Jae-young, the leader, went to the United States to become a gardener.
The group's name is "cats." In fact, it was originally Wildcats.
In the 1970s, the government changed all the foreign names of singers to Korean! Many groups changed their names, among which the wildcats who changed to Cats.
rough translation:
Cats made their debut with the Eighth Army in 1971, and toured Southeast Asia including Vietnam. In 1974, he settled in Hong Kong and worked on R-TV for live production exclusively. In February 1979, after completing a contract with Orient Productions, they released their first home with repertoires such as ``Weak Hearts'', ` Odong Tayeong'' and ``From the Riverside''. The second album released in the same year, Wild Cats Vol.2, also continued its high-flying career with “Sweet Voodoo” and “Lounge My Love”.
In 1980, he had his first solo performance at the Cultural Gymnasium, where they became a very popular. Kim Myung-hee, who was in charge of the group, leaves for marriage, and Kim Jung-taek joins the keyboard. The front cat Lim Jong-im, whose contract expired in 1981, leaves the country for a solo and independent career, after which the Cats face the greatest crisis in the band. Eventually they rearrange the band to a seven piece and released their fourth album, '81 The Wild Cats, 'which, despite the hit "When I think of it," knows another split.
After the 4th album, one couldn't resolve the conflict with the members, so Sim Jae-young, the leader of the team, left the cats. The remaining members of the cats also released their first love flower album in 1982, but this did not receive much attention. With all the early members left, the original member Lim Hyun-jun, the only original member, became the leader and released his sixth and final album, The Wild Cats' New Song Collection, in 1984 they finally disbanded.
On the other hand, vocal Kim Myung-hee, who left the cats due to marriage, released an album titled 'Amo' in 1985, but disappeared without attention. He continued to release records until the early 1990s, but did not gain the popularity of the cats.

Malaysia LP (579)
1979 Wild Cats Vol. 2
1980 <Wild Cats Vol. 3>
'1981 The Wild Cats'
'1981 The Wild Cats Medley 40
1982 <First Love Blossom>
1984 Collection of Wild Cats' New Songs
Wild Cats are one of these bands exploring the new sounds of disco (and funk), a mainstream genre with a commercial effect that has its own attraction. For a disco-influenced band their sound is rather pleasant. Of course it remains lighthearted music.