방의경 - Bang Eui-Kyeong
The first copy I had was in bad shape, so I airplayed only one track of it. Folkie Jin comment: "This album is Ultra rare and the highest...

전항 - Sesam Trio
Reissued tracks can be found here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum 220 Best [Disc 8] 19 비야 너는 나그네 / You're a stranger (1974) I only have this...

양미란 - Yang Mi-Lahn (Yang Mi Ran) (>He5)
Tracks can be found on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum 220 Best CD7-1 달콤하고 상냥하게 / Sweet and gentle (1969) CD7-5 봄길 / Spring Road (1969) CD7-8...

V.A. 대중가요 LP가이드북 오디오파일
MRC 대중가요 LP가이드북 AUDOPHILE 오디오파일 CD (1962-1986) (CD 2016) An essential 14-track compilation of songs from the acoustic singers period, as...

윤지영 - Yoon Ji-Jyeong (Yun Ji Young)
After hearing before a few too many mainstream and more mediocre musical quality reissues from the 70s, this album comes as a complete...

이정선 - Lee Jung-Sun (Lee Jeong-Sun) (Sunflower)
Psychefolk radioshow comments: "Nice professional acoustic guitar track (combination of blues with UK tradition) with singing. I need...

서유석 - Seo Yoo-Seok (Yu Seok Su)
제조회사 : 1972,성음 SEL-100015 (CD) 서유석 - 타박네 / 새벽길 (LP Miniature Cover) A1 타박네/ I Want to See My Mother 2:22 A2 행복의 나라로 / To the Happy Land...

V.A.: Music Series for Youth 젊은이를 위한 / 음악시리즈 vol.1/2
Synnara 젊은이를 위한 / 음악시리즈 vol.1 (1988) I guess I had expected a bit too much from this 80s compilation of music for the youth. Most of it...

V.A.: 맷돌 (밝은 노래모음) / Milestone (bright song collection)
V.A맷돌 (밝은 노래모음) / Millstone (bright song collection)**** 맷돌(밝은노래모음) [180g LP] 송창식,양희은,4월과 5월,맷돌 (김민기,서유석)예전미디어2018-10-11 The Bob...

overview CD/LP reissues (from 30s-80s) by cover W-Z
들고양이들 / Wild Cats (disco/pop) 이원재 - Lee Won-Jae (singer/songwriter) 양병집 - Yang Byeong-Jib (singer/songwriter) 양희은 / Yang Hee-Eun...