복혜숙 / Bok, Hae-Ok
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 : 막간 가수들 "Interlude singers" (vol 21) 복혜숙 / Bok, Hae-Ok: 1 종로행진곡(鐘路行進曲) (Jogno March) 2 그대 그립다 / You Miss You (COLUMBIA...

한복남 - Hahn Bok Nam / Han Bok Nam
Biography : °June 25, 1919 ~ January 26, 1991 composer/singer. He came from South Phyongan hanyoungsun. He debuted in the music industry...

허니비시스터스 / Honeybee Sisters (<Lana.et.Rospo)
Sail Music 허니비시스터스, 임아영 - 추억 / 학부인 [투명 퍼플 컬러 LP] -Honeybee Sisters / Lim A Young split album- 2019 28-3 reisue LP only I have not heard...

해바라기 - Sunflower (Hebaragi)
As expected, this early 80s album, influenced by hanging-in-the-air censorship and safe ballads and mellow sugar pop, this album really...

SRMK 0008 Horizon: Dreamer's Island (2002) The first track is good melodic-(neo-) progressive (with drums, bass, keyboards). The second...

한영애 - Han Yeong-Ae / Han Young-Ae
Radio show comments : "The first album is a bit more mellow, "lighter", more acoustic, nice and sweet psychpop in the direction of let's...

Ha Kee-Song
#oldtime #H

한정호 - Hahn Jung-Ho
One track can be found here: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido 17 차라리 꿈이라면 / If it's a dream This song starts with a Spanish trumpet...