김희갑과 미스틱무드 오케스트라 Kim Hee-Gap & Misticque Orchestra
Radio show comments on this release: "This is great instrumental psych, with exotic rhythms, great electric guitar and organ. Almost...

히파이브 / He 5 & 히식스 / He 6 / He5 & He6 / He Six
Historical facts that lead to He6 - from Key Boys, Add4 to He5- : "Kim Hong-Tak (1944~) was one of the 2 leading figures in the early...

양미란 - Yang Mi-Lahn (Yang Mi Ran) (>He5)
Tracks can be found on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum 220 Best CD7-1 달콤하고 상냥하게 / Sweet and gentle (1969) CD7-5 봄길 / Spring Road (1969) CD7-8...