오정선 - Oh Jung-Sun <Lana.e.rospo
마음 / Heart SRB records – SOT-784 02 Feb 1978 A1 님을 위한 노래 / A Song for .. A2 사랑의 물결 / Wave of Love A3 꿈길 / A way to dream * A4 비야 내려라 /...

은희 - Eun-Hee / Eun He (<Lana.et.Rospo)
Charming, sweet and innocent girl folk refering to the early '60's naive and innocent pop period in the West (Marian Faithful,..) with...

최안순 - Choi An-Soon (Choi An-Soon) (<-Lana.et Rospo)
Most of the album is folk songs with acoustic guitar, possibly more of the tracks are covers of popular Western song hits (like “Plaisir...

라나에로스포 / Lana Et Rospo / Ranaerospo (Frog & Toad)
Jigu Rec. Lana Et Rospo (with Choi Ahn-Soon) -2CD- (2006)***° This double album (-sounding a bit like another South-Korean duo, Toi et...

허니비시스터스 / Honeybee Sisters (<Lana.et.Rospo)
Sail Music 허니비시스터스, 임아영 - 추억 / 학부인 [투명 퍼플 컬러 LP] -Honeybee Sisters / Lim A Young split album- 2019 28-3 reisue LP only I have not heard...