미쓰 리갈 / 미스 리갈 / Miss Regal / (=장옥 조 / Jang Ok-jo) (미쓰리갈/미스리갈)
유성기로 듣던 일제시대 풍자 해학송 / The satire of Japanese imperialists heard during the Meteor period * 14 미스 리갈 / Miss Regal : 신접살이 풍경 / Critter...

명국환 - Myeong Kook-Hwan / 明 國 煥
Several tracks can be found on: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 / The second gratin of Meteor Singers (1945~1960) [Disc 3] * 8 공주(公主)의 비련(悲戀) / Princes...

이규남 / 李 圭 南 (Minami Kunio) / Lee Kyu-nam (or 임헌익 / Lim Heon-ik)
You can find music on: 유성기로 듣던 북(北)으로 간 가수들 / Singers who went to North Korea (CD 1994) 16 고도의 추억 / High memories 17 이별 / Farewell (*) 18...

문성남 / Moon Seong-Nam
There was absolutely nothing I could find about this artist, but there are some tracks to be found here: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc...

맹원식과 그의 재즈오케스트라 / Maeng Won-Sik & his Jazz Orchestra
Beatball 맹원식과 그의 재즈오케스트라 / Maeng Won-Sik & his Jazz Orchestra : 성불사의 밤 A Night At Seongbulsa - (05-04-2018) digital / (19-11-2018) LP...

문호월 / 文湖月- Moon Ho-Wol
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 / I heard an old Phonograph 23CD box 5 천리타향 작곡 / Tenrita Only one track from this album on the whole compilation of 23 CD...

박광수 - Park Kwang-Soo (The Men)
-(written on LP as Pak Kwang Su)- Radioshow comments : "Song oriented psychpop-rock item, with nice arrangements (rock band & organ but...

Miwa Gemini
Addictive Rec. Miwa Gemini : This is how I found you (US,2008)***' While the lyrics are more personalised expressions of thoughts...