양희은 - Yang Hee-Eun
양희은의 데뷔 음반이 40년 만에 처음으로 CD로 발매된다. also listed as vol.1/ Soft Songs (The Original) A1. 아침이슬 / Morning dew 2. 엄마 엄마 / Mom Mom * 3. 세노야 세노야...

장세정 - Yang Se-Jung / Jang Se Young / Yang Se Jeong / 朴 響 林
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 장세정 편 Immortal Singer Heard during the Meteor Period: Jang Se-jeong (Vol. 5) SYNCD-127 1 연락선(連珞船)은 떠난다 / The ferry is...

윤복희 - Yun Bok-Hee (Yoon Bok-Hee)
You can find tracks here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 220 Best CD box * CD5-3 다시는 돌아오지 않으리 / I’ll never come back (1967) CD5-16 웃는 얼굴 다정해도 / even sweet...

이해연 - Lee Ha-Young / Lee Hae-Yeon
Track 13-19 of this compilation are dedicated to Lee Hae-Jeon. The songs seem to be inspired to be performed on stage or most likely in a...

양미란 - Yang Mi-Lahn (Yang Mi Ran) (>He5)
Tracks can be found on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum 220 Best CD7-1 달콤하고 상냥하게 / Sweet and gentle (1969) CD7-5 봄길 / Spring Road (1969) CD7-8...

이규항 / Lee Gyu-Hang (Yig Yu-Hang)
You can find tracks here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 Music Museum 220 Best CD6-2 네잎 크로바 / Four Leaf Clover (1968) This track sounds like a cowboy song...

이양일 - Lee Yang-Sun (Yi Yang-Sun)
Tracks can be found here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 220 Best Of (CD-box) CD4-2 행복의 샘터 / Fountain of Happiness (1964) with 박재란 / Park Jae-Ran We only...

윤지영 - Yoon Ji-Jyeong (Yun Ji Young)
After hearing before a few too many mainstream and more mediocre musical quality reissues from the 70s, this album comes as a complete...

윤일로 - Yun Il-Ro
You can find tracks here: Two tracks can be found on the CD V.A. "Asian Takeaways" on Normal Rec., Q.D.K. Media – CD 038 2001, mentioned...

조백조 / Yo Baek-Jo ("the Swan") / 조백오 / Jo Baek-Oh
30년대 신민요 (빅터 유성기 원반 시리즈-가요 2) / Victor Gramophone series "Pork Song" 2. 단오아가씨 / Sweet girl 3. 치마폭 눈물 / Skirt width tears 4.천리에 님을 두고 /...