이경설 / Lee Kyung-Soo / Lee Kyung-seol
유성기로 듣던 가요사 / Songs that I heard during the musical period from 1925~1945 [Disc 1] 15 세기말(世紀末)의 노래 / Song of the end of the century...

최승희 / Choi, Seung-Hee / Sai Shoki
https://michaelseangallagher.org/korean-music-from-another-time-navigating-the-turbulent-20th-centur/ The track called "A Garden in...

복혜숙 / Bok, Hae-Ok
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 : 막간 가수들 "Interlude singers" (vol 21) 복혜숙 / Bok, Hae-Ok: 1 종로행진곡(鐘路行進曲) (Jogno March) 2 그대 그립다 / You Miss You (COLUMBIA...