김해송 - Kim Hae-Song / 金海松, 金山松夫, Matsuo Kanayama, 김송규, 金松奎, Kim Song-gyu
V.A. - 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 (23CD Box Set) CD8 True favourites; 8. 올팡갈팡 / olpang-galpang, 12. 청춘(靑春) 삘딩 / Youth springing ("good...

The Korea Jazz Band, Okeh Jazz Band & Columbia Jazz Band
ARTICLE 1: The Influence of Shanghai jazz in Korea: From https://www.sisain.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=19479 1930년대 상하이서 불어온...

이난영 - Lee Nan-Young (Lee, Ran Young) / Yi Nan Young ; (-Oka Ranko-)
The first few tracks show the best of possibilities, in that Lee Nan-Young has the sort of qualities in her voice and singing that shows...

조백조 / Yo Baek-Jo ("the Swan") / 조백오 / Jo Baek-Oh
30년대 신민요 (빅터 유성기 원반 시리즈-가요 2) / Victor Gramophone series "Pork Song" 2. 단오아가씨 / Sweet girl 3. 치마폭 눈물 / Skirt width tears 4.천리에 님을 두고 /...

30s V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 여명의 한국동요 / Korean Nursery Rhymes of Dawn (1924 ~ 1945)
유성기로 듣던 여명의 한국동요 / Korean Song of Dawn (reissue: 1993.10) This is a series of children songs being recorded during Japan’s occupation...

복혜숙 / Bok, Hae-Ok
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 : 막간 가수들 "Interlude singers" (vol 21) 복혜숙 / Bok, Hae-Ok: 1 종로행진곡(鐘路行進曲) (Jogno March) 2 그대 그립다 / You Miss You (COLUMBIA...

Kim Sungbae
Beatball Kim Sungbae- Ritual 2019 LP only no review (I don't have this album yet) "Kim Sung-bae is a jazz bassist and the leader of ILIL...

맹원식과 그의 재즈오케스트라 / Maeng Won-Sik & his Jazz Orchestra
Beatball 맹원식과 그의 재즈오케스트라 / Maeng Won-Sik & his Jazz Orchestra : 성불사의 밤 A Night At Seongbulsa - (05-04-2018) digital / (19-11-2018) LP...

Baeshi Bang - 배씨방
Buda Music Baeshi Bang / 배씨방: old school k-pop revisited (5 tracks EP) (F, 2014)**** - 300 numbered copies- * 1. Teyange Jopion 태양의 저편...

누모리 / NuMori
Nu Base Records / Mirrorball Numori : Guna Guna -digipack- (2016)****' – MBMC1427- = 누모리 (nuMori) 1집 - 구나구나 (GunaGuna) 미러볼뮤직 | 2016년...