황인순 - Hwang In-Sun
Tracks can be found here: V.A.: Music Museum 200 Best of (CD-box) CD4-12 엄마와 아빠의 왈츠 / Mama and Dady Waltz (1969) This is an American...

황인자 - Hwang In-Ja
Tracks you can find here: Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 1 CD4-12 양철집 아가씨 / Tin house lady This is up tempo old pop music, arranged with...

현미 - Hyeon Mi / Hyun Mee
Another voice I picked out to check better after having listened to the Domido label compilation 5 CD-box is Hyeon Mi. Here it is a bit...

김계자 / Kim Hee-Ya
A track you can find here: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best (CD Box) * CD3-22 귀여운 베이비 / Cute Baby (1964) -ref. "Pretty Little Baby" Connie...

김상희 - Kim Sang-Hee
Cover "Sia has soul 7 inch 33rpm vinyl EP Singapore 1975" on https://koreanvinyl.wordpress.com/... "KIM SANG-HEE (김상희) “Sia has soul” 7...

오은주 - Oh Eun-Jo
Tracks can be found here: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best CD4-20 마도로스 아홉 살 / 9 year old Madorose (1965) This is a trot song with child's...

리타 김 - Rita Kim (Lita Kim)
Tracks can be found here: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best of (CD box) CD7-6 나 홀로 걸으면 / Walking Alone This is a mid 60s styled pop song of...

송영란 - Song Young-Ran
Songs can be found here: Music Museum 220 Best CD3- 14 굳바이 죤 / Goodby John (1964) -ref. "Two Quirrels" & 'Lock & Keys'- This I assume is...

이양일 - Lee Yang-Sun (Yi Yang-Sun)
Tracks can be found here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 220 Best Of (CD-box) CD4-2 행복의 샘터 / Fountain of Happiness (1964) with 박재란 / Park Jae-Ran We only...

김복희 / Kim Bok-Hee
You can find tracks at: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수-신카나리아, 김복희, 박단마 편 (SYNCD-141) vol 19 Immortal singers from the meteor period-Shin Canaria, Kim...