복혜숙 / Bok, Hae-Ok
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 : 막간 가수들 "Interlude singers" (vol 21) 복혜숙 / Bok, Hae-Ok: 1 종로행진곡(鐘路行進曲) (Jogno March) 2 그대 그립다 / You Miss You (COLUMBIA...

V.A.:유성기로 듣던 여명의 한국 가곡사 (1906~1960) / Korean early vocalists at SP Disc Era 1906-1960
V.A.:유성기로 듣던 여명의 한국 가곡사 (1906~1960) / Korean early vocalists at SP Disc Era 1906-1960 (comp.1999) 2CD I misinterpreted this release a bit...

V.A - 유성기로 듣던 일제시대 풍자.해학송 / "The satire of Japanese imperialists heard during the Meteor period
V.A - 유성기로 듣던 일제시대 풍자.해학송 / The satire of Japanese imperialists heard during the Meteor / Domido (?) period The Pork Song double CD...

유난옥 / Yoon Ok
Best Collection 100 vol.2 Domido CD3-9 서부의 사랑마차 / Western Love Wagon (1960) Only one song can be found on all the compilations of Korean...

박정심 / Park Jung-Shim
Best Collection 100 vol.2 Domido CD2 8 사랑의 지루박 [박정심] / Boredom of Love CD5 7 그늘의 피운꽃 [박정심] / 7 Shaded Bloom "Boredom of Love" has all the...

동방성애 / Dong Bangseong-Ae (="Oriental Love")
도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 Domido CD4-8 꿈실은 마차 / Dream Carriage This one of the few old pop songs with a slight exotic flavor in the string ad...

최란 / Choi Ran / Choe Lan
Music Research Korea V.A.Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 2 Yoo Sung Gi Album (5CD) CD3 15 마도로스 여인선장 / Captain Madorus (196?) CD4 10...

김인배 / Inbae Kim
KBS Media V.A.: 김인배-작곡집 / Inbae im - composer ; 2012-04-10/2013.05.15 **(ok-g) The compilation of songs from this composer show rather...

V.A.: Music Series for Youth 젊은이를 위한 / 음악시리즈 vol.1/2
Synnara 젊은이를 위한 / 음악시리즈 vol.1 (1988) I guess I had expected a bit too much from this 80s compilation of music for the youth. Most of it...

overview CD/LP reissues (30s-80s) by cover (V.A.) (omnibus)
V.A.:"Stranger in the Rain" (songs) V.A.:"OTO" best vol.1 see 오정선 / Oh Jung-Sun (songs) V.A.: 84 젊은이의 노래 (folk group sound) V.A - 골든 포크...