overview CD/LP reissues (from 30s-80s) by cover W-Z
들고양이들 / Wild Cats (disco/pop) 이원재 - Lee Won-Jae (singer/songwriter) 양병집 - Yang Byeong-Jib (singer/songwriter) 양희은 / Yang Hee-Eun...

overview CD/LP reissues (30s-80s) by cover (A-M)
에드 훠 / Add 4 (psych) 안치환 / Ahn Chi Hwan (singer/songwriter) 4월과 5월 /April & May (folk-pop harmony) 백년설 / Baek Nyeon-Seol (old time) 백야성 /...

선우영아 / Sunwoo Young Ah & He6
Rythmon 선우영아 / Sunwoo Young ah & He 6 – 내 님이 그리워 · 당신은 몰라 / I miss you (original LP 1971) -miniature-LP sized CD reissue: GEBLSC54...

김인순 - Kim In-Soon
I had to listen a couple of times to this release before being able to judge in a prepared and balanced way, the music and its musical...

심수봉 / Sim Soo-Bong
Jigu 심수봉 / Sim Soo-Bong : 꽃마차 (Non Stop Remix) (1982,re.2006)* Sometimes it is also good to know which albums to avoid or only to...

이성애 - Lee Seong-Ae / Lee Sungae
Radioshow related review: "Lee Song Ae is a popular singer. She sings covers mostly, I guess in both Western and Korean styles. Every...

김정미 - Kim Jung-Mi
Folkie Jin : "Korea had a Folk scene in the 70's too. But it only had few folk rock albums then. Mostly Korean folk singers were...

V.A.: The Trip
Corvo Rec. V.A.: The Trip. Psychedelic Music from the Hippie Trail - Pt. 4/4 From South Korea to Singapore - –LP- (VAR,2016)***° After...

V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 - I once heard a phonograph by a great immortal (23CD Box Set)
See separate CD reviews for Lee Nan-Young 1/2, Baek Nyeon-Seol, Yihwaja, Lee In-Kweon, Ko Bok-So, Kim Hae-Sung, Yang Se-Jung, Chaeg...

펄 시스터즈 - The Pearl Sisters (Perl / Pul)
Folkie Jin : "Pearl sisters Shin Jung-Hyun directed all songs and music 1968 ; This record normal price is a over 200$(original record is...