블루벨즈 - Blue Bells
Tracks can be found on: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido * 8 미워도 한세상 / I hate you This is a nice slow twist with warm harmony vocals...

봉봉사중창단 - Bong Bong (Bon Bon) / Bong Bong Quartet Band
Described by the traders where I found the album as sounding like Everly Brothers, this is a rather special 60s psych-pop (mostly cover)...

류복성과신호등 / Bok Sung Ryu & Traffic Lights - Latin Koreana
Beatball 류복성과신호등 - 혼자 걷는 명동길, 기분이 좋아(Tequila) / 7인치 Single 블랙 150장 한정 2019 Ryu Bok-Sung & The Traffic Lights: Walking Alone in the...

백영규 - Baek Young-Kyu
Jigu (CD) 백영규 - 대표곡 모음 (16-7-1992) 백영규 - 대표곡 모음 (original LP 1981) 01. 사랑은 왜 / Why my love 02. 숨바꼭질은 싫어요 / I don't like this hide and...

부활 / Born Again (Buhwal / Boohwal)
Seoul Rec. 부활 - 1집 희야 (재발매) / Rock Will Never Die Resurrection- Vol. 1 Hee-ya (Re-release) LP 2015년 07월 CD 2003년 02월 -mini-LP CD...

바블껌 - Bubble Gum
This is a rather nice reissue of acoustic songs with harmony vocals. The first six tracks have orchestrations too. Especially the first...

방의경 - Bang Eui-Kyeong
The first copy I had was in bad shape, so I airplayed only one track of it. Folkie Jin comment: "This album is Ultra rare and the highest...

백년설 - Baek Nyeon-Seol
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 - 백년설 편 Having read about the limited range of recorded music and styles that was allowed during Japanese occupation,...

진방남 / 박창오 / Jin Bang-Nam (singer) / 반야월 / Ban, Ya-Wol (composer) /
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 진방남, 고운봉, 송달협 편 / immortal singers heard during the meteor period: Jin Bang Nam, Go Un Bong, Song Dal Hyeop * 8 불효자는 웁니다...

백야성 - Baek Ya-Sung / Back Yasung
Tracks you can find here: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido * CD4 11 마도로스 부기 / Madorus Boogie As the title suggest, this is a...