김복희 / Kim Bok-Hee
You can find tracks at: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수-신카나리아, 김복희, 박단마 편 (SYNCD-141) vol 19 Immortal singers from the meteor period-Shin Canaria, Kim...

이규남 / 李 圭 南 (Minami Kunio) / Lee Kyu-nam (or 임헌익 / Lim Heon-ik)
You can find music on: 유성기로 듣던 북(北)으로 간 가수들 / Singers who went to North Korea (CD 1994) 16 고도의 추억 / High memories 17 이별 / Farewell (*) 18...

김해송 - Kim Hae-Song / 金海松, 金山松夫, Matsuo Kanayama, 김송규, 金松奎, Kim Song-gyu
V.A. - 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 (23CD Box Set) CD8 True favourites; 8. 올팡갈팡 / olpang-galpang, 12. 청춘(靑春) 삘딩 / Youth springing ("good...

채규엽 - Chae Yug-Yeop / Chae Gyu-Yeop
Chae Gyu-Yeop, classic Korean new folk/pop/jazz singer

이난영 - Lee Nan-Young (Lee, Ran Young) / Yi Nan Young ; (-Oka Ranko-)
The first few tracks show the best of possibilities, in that Lee Nan-Young has the sort of qualities in her voice and singing that shows...

손복춘 - Son Book-Chun
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴 없는 명가수 (2) (SYNCD-145) Immortal master singer during the meteor group: the singer without face * 2 사창야월(紗窓夜月) /...

백난아 / Baek Nan-Ah
A few tracks can be found on CD2 from V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 (phonographs) (1945~1960) 12-CD box (1996) which was reviewed on next page:...

문호월 / 文湖月- Moon Ho-Wol
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 / I heard an old Phonograph 23CD box 5 천리타향 작곡 / Tenrita Only one track from this album on the whole compilation of 23 CD...

30s V.A. "Listening to phonographs vol.1"
This is a collection of early Korean records, some of which shows some unique and bizarre material. The first track for instance is like...

30년대 신민요 - V.A. "Pork Song"
This compilation proves how the new folk music from the 20s/30s was highly original and clearly the foundation for the continuation of...