김윤아 - Kim Yoon-Ah / Kim Yuna (<Jaurim)
김윤아 / Kim, Yoon-Ah : 유리가면(琉璃假面) Glass Mask 2004.03.05 T Entertainment / 2015년 12월 16일 01. 불안은 영혼을 잠식한다 / Unrest invades the soul 02. 사랑,...

김치켓 / Kimchikats / KimChi-Cat
https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=lg34470&logNo=220025852430 (스토리가 담긴 가요와 색소폰) 검은 상처의 부루스 - 김치캣, Broken Promises -Sil austin(실...

김트리오 - Kim Trio
김트리오 (Kim Trio) - 연안부두 LA 020, 1979 Hyundai Records Mfg. Co. Ltd. – LA-020 2010 / (Re-Edition 2014) CD miniature LP Beatball Music |...

키부러더스 - Key Brothers (Keybrothers)
윤항기와 키-브라더스 : GOGO춤을 춥시다 Yoon Hang Ki and Key-Brothers: Let's cool GOGO dance NC1004096 / KLS 12 King Records CD 2004년 10월 18일(LP Sleeve...

강석연 / Kang, Seok-Yeon
Tracks can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 : 막간 가수들 Interlude singers (vol 21) * 7 방랑가(放浪歌) / Wanderer (COLUMBIA 40138) 1931) * 8 오동나무 /...

이경설 / Lee Kyung-Soo / Lee Kyung-seol
유성기로 듣던 가요사 / Songs that I heard during the musical period from 1925~1945 [Disc 1] 15 세기말(世紀末)의 노래 / Song of the end of the century...

고복수 - Ko Bok-Soo
고복수, 황금심 힛트곡 전집 (split album with Hwang Keum-Sim) 1988.01.20 1. 타향살이 / Saliva (1934) * 2. 사막의 한 / One of the desert 3. 짝사랑 / Unrequited...

김혁 - Kim Hyuk
This is a songwriting project with always relaxed melodies, amplified picking and strummed accompaniment, some harmony vocals in many of...

김정호 - Kim Jung-Ho (April & May)
MRCD0902 Kim Jung Ho looks like an LP which could be singer-songwriting etc. and it might be that as well, but also, it is the rather...

김민기 - Kim Min-Ki (金敏基) (Kim Min-Gi)
All the works of Kim Min-Gi were compiled onto this beautifully crafted heavy LP-sized box with 3D imprints on special paper, containing...