김정애 - Kim Jung-Ae
유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 8] The second (generation?) singers in the meteor group (1945 ~ 1960) [Disc 8] 7 앵두나무 처녀 / Cherry tree...

The Korea Jazz Band, Okeh Jazz Band & Columbia Jazz Band
ARTICLE 1: The Influence of Shanghai jazz in Korea: From https://www.sisain.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=19479 1930년대 상하이서 불어온...

김상진 - Kim Sang-Jin
This is a totally different kind of mainstream singing which isn’t western at all (despite the arrangements), but it has almost entirely...

김연월 / Kim, Yeon-Weol
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴 없는 명가수 (2) 11 무정한 밤차 / Heartless night train (1936) (OKEH 1901) Unique on this track is a bossanova rhythm. You can...

김안라 / Kim, An-Ra / An La / Anna
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴 없는 명가수 (2) Immortal master singer during the meteor group: singer without a face 5 동무의 추억(追憶) / Mister's Memories /...

김홍길 / Kim Hong-gil
Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 2 CD4-4 남양의 모나리자 / Mona Lisa of Namyang CD5-6 나홀로 가네 / Going Alone With a Tango-like drive this song...

Kim Sungbae
Beatball Kim Sungbae- Ritual 2019 LP only no review (I don't have this album yet) "Kim Sung-bae is a jazz bassist and the leader of ILIL...

김인순 - Kim In-Soon
I had to listen a couple of times to this release before being able to judge in a prepared and balanced way, the music and its musical...

김부자 / Kim Bu-Ja
Deado Records Kim Bu Ja : Golden Hits (1977)*° (ok->g) Ki Bu-Ja is a singer who sings songs in the traditional Trot style. The songs...

김정미 - Kim Jung-Mi
Folkie Jin : "Korea had a Folk scene in the 70's too. But it only had few folk rock albums then. Mostly Korean folk singers were...