심수봉 / Sim Soo-Bong
Jigu 심수봉 / Sim Soo-Bong : 꽃마차 (Non Stop Remix) (1982,re.2006)* Sometimes it is also good to know which albums to avoid or only to...

이성애 - Lee Seong-Ae / Lee Sungae
Radioshow related review: "Lee Song Ae is a popular singer. She sings covers mostly, I guess in both Western and Korean styles. Every...

김부자 / Kim Bu-Ja
Deado Records Kim Bu Ja : Golden Hits (1977)*° (ok->g) Ki Bu-Ja is a singer who sings songs in the traditional Trot style. The songs...

방태원 / Bang, Tae-Won
Tracks can be found on : V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 CD1-14 비오는 주막(酒幕) / Rainy Tabernacle CD1-15 Gyeongsang-do Man Tracks that are only...

이순애 - Yi Sun-Ae / Lee Sun-A
A track can be found on 가요(歌謠) 박물관 Music Museum: 220 Best CD3-5 아까시아에 보슬비 나리던 밤 / A bright night on the Acacia Trees (1958) -(trot...

은방울 자매 / Silver Bell Sisters "Eunbangwul Jamae"
은방울자매 전곡 (거성레코드) 거성레코드 | 1990년 05월 01일 Geosung Records 01. 마포종점 / Mapo Jong branch 02. 쌍고동 우는 항구 / Ssanggo-dong Crying Port 03. 무정한 그사람 /...

신행일 - Sin Heng-Il
One song can be found here : 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: 220 Best [Disc 5] 18 청춘을 돌려다오 / Returning Youth (1967) I found not much more than...

심수경 - Sim Soo-Kyung
Music you can find here: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido CD5 7 현해탄 엘레지 / Xanthaetan (?) Elegance CD5 11 두견새우는 청령포 / Shrimp (??)...

이미자 - Lee Mi-Ja
Tracks can be found on: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 (1945~1960) / The second generation of Meteor singers CD3-19 워싱턴 블루스 / Washington blues This song...

Books on Korean Pop
Mark Russell started to live in South Korea since 1996. He had witnessed the continuous economic growth of Korea (called the Korean...