P-Vine Rec. V.A. : New Rock / No Yoake : Toshiba Express singles (JAP,197s)**°°'
Tr.1, Kenji Endo, 6 min
(Tr.2, Kenji Endo : "Honto Da Yo" 8 min 14) -57
Listed on this compilation are : 1,2: Kenji Endo, 3,4: Jacks, 5,6: Kazuki Tomokawa,
7,8: Kazuki Tomokawa & Down Town Boogie Woogie Band, 9: Anri & Moses, 10,11: Tarzan
12,13: Cosmos Factory, 14: Chronicle/Cronikulu, 15: East, 16,17: Mops,
18,19: Akiyuki Nosaka, 20: RC Succession, 21: Kenji Endo.
The Kenji Endo tracks are in acid folk song style. First track is played with acoustic guitar and cello. Second track is trippy psychfolk with acoustic guitar, sitar and handpercussion. The Other tracks are early progressive/rock/psych. A different version from the East track I have elsewhere is listed here too. Other tracks vary from to pop to beat, early prog/psych, not always as rewarding. Last fine track by RC Succession ? is also acid folk.
Description of the CD by Aquariusrecords : A great compilation of '70s Japanese psychedelic folk, loungey crooning, organ freakouts, wah wah guitars, and melodramatic pop from a variety of names you've probably never heard of, except perhaps for The Jacks, The Mops, and Cosmos Factory. No? Anyway, this is a collection of singles released by Japan's Toshiba label back when I, at least, was a little kid. Similar in spirit to the equally good "Love Peace And Poetry" comp of Latin American psychedelic music that we were always raving about.
* Cosmos Factory : http://www.progarchives.com/Progressive_rock_discography_CD.asp?cd_id=4387
Cosmos Factory : Chris McLean : "a progressive group formed in Nogoya, 1970.
They moved to Tokyo the next year.
The band are now perhaps best known for their first album, ‘Cosmos Factory’ (1973)."
* RC Succesion : http://www.universal-music.co.jp/rc_succession/
P-Vine Rec. V.A. : Victor singles (JAP,197s)°
Listed on this compilation are : 1.-2.Nunotani Humio 3-5.Brain Police 6-7.Sun Rise 8-9.Asakawa Maki
10-11.Arai Sachi 12.Tomioka Taeko 13.Yamamoto Kotaro 14-17.Monta Yoshinori
18.Mother Complex 19.-20.Daddy Takechiyo & Tokyo Otoboke Cats
Poppsych, folkpop, blues,and even one funk single . I found no real interesting track.
P-Vine Rec. V.A. : Polydor singles (JAP,197s)°°''
Tr.20, Kenji Endo 4 min -61
Listed are : 1.endo kenji 2-7.pyg 8-10..budobatake 11-12.yamamoto michinori with mizutani kimio group
13.hukamachi jun 14.-15.shimonsai 16.tamura shigeru 17.tamura shigeru. minato machiko
18.-19.kishibe shiro 20.endo kenji
Ok to good Psychpop / new rock collection. There was also one beautiful acoustic pop song included.
-From all URC compilations it seems that the Kenji Endo tracks stand out.-