김복희 / Kim Bok-Hee
You can find tracks at: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수-신카나리아, 김복희, 박단마 편 (SYNCD-141) vol 19 Immortal singers from the meteor period-Shin Canaria, Kim...

이남순 / Lee Nam-Sun
You can find tracks here: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 4] * 4 이슬비 내리는 길 / Drizzle This is a fine tango song with fit voice and of...

백야성 - Baek Ya-Sung / Back Yasung
Tracks you can find here: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido * CD4 11 마도로스 부기 / Madorus Boogie As the title suggest, this is a...

권혜경 - Kwon Hye-Kyeong
Jigu Records 권혜경 / Kwon, Hye-Kyeong : 골든 compilation -2cd- (2007)*°°' JMCD-0130-1/2 some favorites : CD2,6: 유성이 흘러간 곳, CD3,8, 애수의 토요일,...

박재란 - Park Jae-Ran
This is one of the only releases I found that show how also the late 50s / early 60s sounded like at it’s best. The accompanying...

손인호 - Shon In-Ho (Son In-Ho)
손인호 - 히트앨범 / Son In-ho-hit album 1955-1961 (Remastered) (Digipack) 01. 한만은 대동강 / The wide Taedong River 02. 남행열차 / Southern train 03....

최희준 - Choi Hee-Joon
Tracks can be found here: Jigu 최희준 - 오리지날 힛송 총결산집 / Original Song Collection CD 1990.09.01 Choi Hee-Joon sung with the arrangements of...

V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 북(北)으로 간 가수들 / Singers that went to North Korea
V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 북(北)으로 간 가수들 / Singers that went to North Korea All tracks on this compilation and all artists were reviewed on their...

남일연 / Nam Il Hyun / 春 子
Tracks can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 일제시대 풍자 해학송 / The satire from Japanese imperialists heard during the Meteor period * 7 벙어리 냉가슴 / Poor...

박단마 - Park Dan-Ma (Park Dhan-Ma) / 朴 丹馬
Tracks can be found on: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945) [Disc 5] 12 늴늬리 새타령 / Zuniri Satayeong (?) (1938) 13 꼭 오세요 / Please come (VICTOR 1207)...