최무룡 - Choi Mu-Ryong / Choi Mooryong
This is a collection of old time music Trot (50s styled), with slow male singing and small combos (reeds, strings) with solo instruments...

문주란 / Moon Joo-Ran / Mun Juran Moon Ju-Lan
Jigu 문주란 / Moon Joo-Ran/Mun Ju-Ran/Moon Ju-Lan : 문주란 골든 2005 2CD CD 1 01. 동숙의 노래 / Dong Sook Song 02. 돌지 않는 풍차 / Windmills That Won't...

임희숙 - Lim Hee-Sook / Im Hee-Sook
임희숙 - 믿어도 될까요임희숙 / Can I find Trust? (가수) 노래 | 뮤직리서치 | 2011년 08월 11/ 12 Music Research CD 1 이마음 아시나요 / Do you know this heart? 2 잊어버린 노래...

라이너스 - Linus
라이너스 1집 1980-07-08 :: Jigu (JLS-1201575) 2004-07-05 :: KBS 미디어 (ENEC-035) CD 1. 바람개비 / Vane 2. 좁은 문 / Narrow door 3. 내마음 깊은 곳엔 / Deep...

유주용 - Yu Ju-Young
Several tracks can be found on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: 220 Best * CD3-17 나의 푸른 하늘 / My Blue Heaven (1963) With baritone sax and...

박춘석 - Park Choon-Seok (Park Chun Seok)
DISC01. Park Choon-seok Composition: Master Builder Series of the Music World! DISC01. 박춘석 작곡집: 가요계의 명장 시리즈!(Master Builder Series) 01....

오기택 - Oh Ki-Taek / Oh Kitaek
For a so-called compilation of 50s/60s songs I never expected such a rather cheap taste of Moog-like arrangements, with over-simplified...

피닉스 / 휘닉스 - Phoenix (<Donkeys/ The Men) ("Kimchisu")
휘닉스 - 밤길 1974.03 스튜디오 정규 앨범(산속에서/비오는 날이면/보슬비 오면) LP 2002 복각 앨범CD 2010 복각 앨범CD * 1. 산속에서 / At the deep in the mountain * 2. 보슬비 오면 /...

이원재 - Lee Won-Jae (< 들국화 결성 / Wild Chrysanthemum) ; (< 동방의 빛 / Oriental Light) (<시인과 / The
이원재 - 4집 / 인생 / Life SRMK0005 1999.04.15 CD (digipack) Si Wan * 1. 독백 / Monologue 2. 눈물 / Tears * 3. 인생 / Life 4. 생사인연 / Life ties ...

이화자 - Lee Won-Ja (Lee Hwa Za)
This collection of songs performed by "Yihwaja" / Lee Won Ja could work very much on a song evening meeting with a small audience with a...