장세정 - Yang Se-Jung / Jang Se Young / Yang Se Jeong / 朴 響 林
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 장세정 편 Immortal Singer Heard during the Meteor Period: Jang Se-jeong (Vol. 5) SYNCD-127 1 연락선(連珞船)은 떠난다 / The ferry is...

박세환 / Park, Se Hwan / 미스터 콜럼비아 / Mr. Columbia
I found almost nothing about this artist, but I was able to hear 5 tracks of him of which at least 3 if not all are definitely worth...

미쓰 리갈 / 미스 리갈 / Miss Regal / (=장옥 조 / Jang Ok-jo) (미쓰리갈/미스리갈)
유성기로 듣던 일제시대 풍자 해학송 / The satire of Japanese imperialists heard during the Meteor period * 14 미스 리갈 / Miss Regal : 신접살이 풍경 / Critter...

김정구 - Kim Jeong-Goo / Kim Junggu / Kim Jungku
I guess this is a reissue of an original old LP (with 12 songs), containing songs that often have folk songs origins, and which show a...

명국환 - Myeong Kook-Hwan / 明 國 煥
Several tracks can be found on: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 / The second gratin of Meteor Singers (1945~1960) [Disc 3] * 8 공주(公主)의 비련(悲戀) / Princes...

김용환 / Kim Yong-Hwan
Songs can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수-김용환, 김영춘, 이규남 편 (vol.15) (SYNCD-137) Immortal Ming Singers Hee-Kee-Kim Yong-hwan, Kim...

노벽화 / No Bueck-Hwa
Tracks can be found on: 30년대 신민요 Victor Gramophone series Pork Song 20s/30s trad.folk CD1-14 정원애사(情怨哀詞) / Garden Love There's only one...

유종섭 / Yoo Jong Sup 劉鍾燮
Jung Sub-Yoo looks like a very fashionable guy, but these songs themselves (I heard 6 in total) were all still a bit mainstream although...

장일타홍 / Jang Il-Tahong
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴없는 명가수(1) / Immortal Master Singer: A Faceless Master Singer (1) 17 아리랑의 꿈 / Arirang's Dream (REGAL 383) As the title...

V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945)
This is a collection of early Korean records, some of which shows some unique and some bizarre material. This collection dates from...