김해송 - Kim Hae-Song / 金海松, 金山松夫, Matsuo Kanayama, 김송규, 金松奎, Kim Song-gyu
V.A. - 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 (23CD Box Set) CD8 True favourites; 8. 올팡갈팡 / olpang-galpang, 12. 청춘(靑春) 삘딩 / Youth springing ("good...

채규엽 - Chae Yug-Yeop / Chae Gyu-Yeop
Chae Gyu-Yeop, classic Korean new folk/pop/jazz singer

한정무 - Han Jeong-Moo / Han Jung Mo
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴 없는 명가수 (2) SYNCD-145 Immortal master singers of Meteor: masterless faceless singer 10 대동강 달밤 / Daedong River...

V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 연극모음 (1930년대) / The collection of plays I heard during the Meteor period (1930s)
V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 연극모음 (1930년대) / The collection of plays I heard during the Meteor period (1930s) 1997.03 I never bothered to review this...

The Korea Jazz Band, Okeh Jazz Band & Columbia Jazz Band
ARTICLE 1: The Influence of Shanghai jazz in Korea: From https://www.sisain.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=19479 1930년대 상하이서 불어온...

전옥 - Jeon Ok (Chun Ok) (全 玉)
Three songs were to found on this compilation of Chun Ok or Jean-Ok. We hear a Japanese sounding early trot song with high soprano,...

이난영 - Lee Nan-Young (Lee, Ran Young) / Yi Nan Young ; (-Oka Ranko-)
The first few tracks show the best of possibilities, in that Lee Nan-Young has the sort of qualities in her voice and singing that shows...

조백조 / Yo Baek-Jo ("the Swan") / 조백오 / Jo Baek-Oh
30년대 신민요 (빅터 유성기 원반 시리즈-가요 2) / Victor Gramophone series "Pork Song" 2. 단오아가씨 / Sweet girl 3. 치마폭 눈물 / Skirt width tears 4.천리에 님을 두고 /...

김연월 / Kim, Yeon-Weol
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴 없는 명가수 (2) 11 무정한 밤차 / Heartless night train (1936) (OKEH 1901) Unique on this track is a bossanova rhythm. You can...

왕죽희 / Wang Juk-Hee
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴 없는 명가수 (2) Immortal master singers during the meteor group: a singer without a face (2) 8 호궁 처녀(胡弓處女) / Shrined Lady...