박소성 / Park, So-Sung
유성기로 듣던 가요사 / Songs I heard from the Meteor Period (1925~1945) [Disc 9] 3 뻐꾹새 우는 밤 / Cuckoo's crying night (1941) This is an acoustic...

이해연 - Lee Ha-Young / Lee Hae-Yeon
Track 13-19 of this compilation are dedicated to Lee Hae-Jeon. The songs seem to be inspired to be performed on stage or most likely in a...

선우일선 / Sunwoo Il-sun
Tracks can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 / Immortal master singers vol.1 * 18 꽃 피는 상해 / Flowers blooming in shanghai (POLYDOR 19391) 19...

강홍식 / 姜 弘 植 - Kang Ho-Sik (Chang Ho-Sik)
The first 9 songs of this compilation show how Kang Ho Sik must have been involved in early song music of the first movies with sound and...

김복희 / Kim Bok-Hee
You can find tracks at: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수-신카나리아, 김복희, 박단마 편 (SYNCD-141) vol 19 Immortal singers from the meteor period-Shin Canaria, Kim...

V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 북(北)으로 간 가수들 / Singers that went to North Korea
V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 북(北)으로 간 가수들 / Singers that went to North Korea All tracks on this compilation and all artists were reviewed on their...

박단마 - Park Dan-Ma (Park Dhan-Ma) / 朴 丹馬
Tracks can be found on: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945) [Disc 5] 12 늴늬리 새타령 / Zuniri Satayeong (?) (1938) 13 꼭 오세요 / Please come (VICTOR 1207)...

왕수복 / Wang Su-Bok / Wang Soo Bok /王壽福
유성기로 듣던 북(北)으로 간 가수들 / Singers that went to the North 19 워띄부싱 / What ...? 20 연밥따는 아가씨 / A young lady Here we have what sounds like a...

강흥식 / Heung-Sik Kang
Tracks can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 북(北)으로 간 가수들 / Singers that went to North Korea 11 님이여 잘 있거라 / Good night 12 이 잔을 들고 / Holding this cup...

김선초 / Kim, Seon-Cho / Kim Sun Cho / 金 仙草
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 : 막간 가수들 Interlude singers (vol 21) 16 나그네 / Wayfarer (COLUMBIA 40333) 17 어디든지 같이 가요 / Let's go anywhere together...