아이들 - Idol (->Love & Peace)
LP version 아이들 (Idol) - 아이들과 함께 춤을 [350매 LP 한정반] [ 140그램 녹색컬러비닐 LP / 포스터, OBI, 인서트 포함 ]리듬온 | 2015년 07월 13일 CD version Sail Music | 2013년...

스페샬코너 - 5th Fingers & Top Song
Rockn’roll and early beat music, all cover versions. Most of it are just 60's covers. It has more special moments, which for us are even...

박인희 - Park In-Hee (<-Toi et Moi)
Oasis (CD) 박인희 - 세월아/봄이 오는길 Seoul / Spring is coming 16D373 가요LP - 박인희 (세월아-봄이 오는 길) - 중고엘피LP음반레코드판수입 NC1002948 1. 세월아 / Seoul 2. 나의 소망 /...

김 씨스터즈 - Kim Sisters
Monument – MLP 8022. The Kim Sisters – Their First Album (US,1964)*** A1 Try To Remember * A2 China Nights A3 Harbor Lights A4 Roses In...

김성옥 / Kim Sung Ok
One of the more extraordinary voices is Kim Sung Ok, also because she has something of a more international allure, which more fits the...

정원 - Jung Won
You can find tracks here: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best of (CD-Box) CD6-11 무작정 걷고싶어 / I want to walk aimlessly (1967) This track is a sort...

손시향 - Lee Sohn
Tracks can be found on: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best (CD Box) * CD1-4 이별의 종착역 / End of separation (1960) Lee Sohn has a warm voice in the...

이규항 / Lee Gyu-Hang (Yig Yu-Hang)
You can find tracks here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 Music Museum 220 Best CD6-2 네잎 크로바 / Four Leaf Clover (1968) This track sounds like a cowboy song...

박재란 - Park Jae-Ran
This is one of the only releases I found that show how also the late 50s / early 60s sounded like at it’s best. The accompanying...

V.A. - DOMIDO label (omnibus)
I very much enjoyed and spent a lot of time with this luxury edition of 5 CD’s with mini-book (notes in Korean only), showing an overview...