Kama Aina / RT / Moose Hill

333Discs Kama Aina / RT / Moose Hill : Rainbow Hawaii (JAP,2006)***°'
This is the first of two photo/illustrations book related albums as a cooperation between Kama Aina, late 60' folk singer Wataru Takada or Ren Takada and Moose Hill. The photo’s show the sweet Hawaii, a heart centred and focused island in town and on the beach, modern and nature, with gentle illustrations by some children or painted spontaneous like children. The music has a red wire of Hawaiian elements, like the guitars (Hawaiian and self-built guitars), the beach sounds and the birds, and the happy mood. You can always feel the atmosphere. The contributors succeed well to build a consistent compilation as if one composer controlled the project, showing the image of Hawaii mostly as the most important reference of inspiration, with a certain choice and balance between some of the used instruments and smoothly improvisational rhythm.
333Discs Kama Aina / RT / Moose Hill : Hawaii, Hawaii (JAP,2006)***°'
Also this release sounds like it was very inspired by Hawaii, the mood, the warmth, the beach. Both releases could be a perfect promotion book for potentional visitors, from the lovely happy children on the crystal-clear beach, to the contrasting cloudy tree mountains, the bumpy asphalt roads and huge white buildings of apartments, to smaller simple houses (reminding me of the by the American government hated, Cuba, -especially because they were not allowed to have military basis there-), and other shiny or simple details. Things sound simple and sweet, and so does the music make it equally attractive, expressed in a delicately rich, affectionate synthesis. I have the impression, although the composers are credited on specific moments, he trio worked very much in a group consciousness, combining their talents, and reflecting each others inspirations in each following song or instrumental. In that way they built the album up on the first tracks mostly with acoustic guitars, touches of ukulele and slide guitar. A sudden keyboard rhythm at first surprised me, unexpectedly, but after more listens I understood how each track builds up further, and this is sometimes with a new turn. The keyboard evolution brings us to different rather funny rhythms and sounds. Then natural rhythms and sounds, and some chamber orchestrations are added (with additional fitting instruments like marimba, thumbpiano,..).
I recommend searching for both items, because they fit beautifully together, as well a photoprintbooks, as a guiding and inspired musical documentary.