이씨스터즈 / 이씨쓰터즈 - Lee Sisters
You can find some tracks here: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido * CD5 9 모래위에 적어본 이름 / Name written in the sand Lee Sisters had...

사랑과 평화 - Love & Peace
사랑과 평화 - 1집 (한동안 뜸했었지/저바람) SRB-0009 1978.10.15 CD release date: Nov 23, 2011 Company: King Records 01 - 한동안 뜸 했었지 / Long time no see 02 -...

이은파 - Lee Eun-Pa
This is a CD from the 23CD box: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 이은파 편 (vol.11) / Immortal Singer Heard during the Meteor Period: Lee Eun-pa, Vol. 11 1...

이경설 / Lee Kyung-Soo / Lee Kyung-seol
유성기로 듣던 가요사 / Songs that I heard during the musical period from 1925~1945 [Disc 1] 15 세기말(世紀末)의 노래 / Song of the end of the century...

이애리수 / Lee Aerisoo / Lee Alisu / Arisu
A few tracks can be found on V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945) vol 1 * 12 메리의 노래 / Mary's song (1931) 13 고요한 장안(長安) / Tranquil Chang'an...

이연실 - Lee Yun-Sil (Lee Yeon-Sil)
The first few tracks are somewhat similar in style as the Eun He item from 1971, which I thought at first was from the same and similarly...

최안순 - Choi An-Soon (Choi An-Soon) (<-Lana.et Rospo)
Most of the album is folk songs with acoustic guitar, possibly more of the tracks are covers of popular Western song hits (like “Plaisir...

라나에로스포 / Lana Et Rospo / Ranaerospo (Frog & Toad)
Jigu Rec. Lana Et Rospo (with Choi Ahn-Soon) -2CD- (2006)***° This double album (-sounding a bit like another South-Korean duo, Toi et...

이종용 - Lee Jong-Yong (Twin Folio)
Lee Yong-Jong, who once cooperated with Twin Folio, also made some solo song records. This well-hanging together compilation shows that...

이장희 - Lee, Jang-Hee
Lee Jang Hee - Meet Me In A Room also listed as "That's You" I usually prefer not to review albums if I do not know if whether they are...