이정화 - Lee Jung-Hwa / Lee Jeong-Hwa & Donkeys
Radioshow comments : "Here Shin Jung Hyun & Donkeys were backing band for a basically mainstream song oriented release. Still, the psych...

이수미 / Lee Su-Mi / Lee Soo Mi
이수미 - 골든앨범 2cd 내곁에 있어주, 여고시절, 오로지 2000-01-01 This album is driven well by a light and pleasant easy listening version of trot music and...

동방의 빛 - Dongbangeui Bit / Light Of the East / The Light of the Orient
Dongbangeui Bit (1974~1976) 동방의 빛 - 나는 세시봉 연주자다 / Eastern Light - I'm Cecibong/ C'est Ci Bon [2CD] Hani Music | June 21, 2012 MRC /...

이성애 - Lee Seong-Ae / Lee Sungae
Radioshow related review: "Lee Song Ae is a popular singer. She sings covers mostly, I guess in both Western and Korean styles. Every...

이수만과 365일 - Lee Su-Man & 365 Days (Lee Soo-Man)
I was first told this album was with Shin Yung Hyun, which does not seem to be true. The singing is mostly uninteresting mainstream rock...

이순애 - Yi Sun-Ae / Lee Sun-A
A track can be found on 가요(歌謠) 박물관 Music Museum: 220 Best CD3-5 아까시아에 보슬비 나리던 밤 / A bright night on the Acacia Trees (1958) -(trot...

임아영 / Lima A Young / Lim Ah Young (& 퀘션스 / Questions)
임아영 – 오 못믿어 / 미련 Universal (6) – KLS-5. 05 Aug 1971 * A1 오 못믿어 / Oh! I don't believe in you * A2 미련 / / I cannot give you up A 3 문이 열릴때...

아리랑 - Lee Pan-Geun & Korean Jazz Quintet 78
There isn’t too much jazz you can find in Korea, so this might be one of the earliest examples to find. I just hoped it had something...

이미자 - Lee Mi-Ja
Tracks can be found on: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 (1945~1960) / The second generation of Meteor singers CD3-19 워싱턴 블루스 / Washington blues This song...

이금희 - Lee Keum-Hee
#KoreanPop #L