이은하 - Lee, Eun-Ha
Also this is a more mainstream orientated singer, with a performance-related emotionality in the voice. This is especially so in the...

임성훈 / Im, Sung-Hoon / Lim Sung-Hun (< Shin Yung-Hyun & Questions)
Specific tracks you can find on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 [Disc 8] * 11 당신은 몰라 / You do not know (1971) This track is a somewhat crooner-like ballad...

이해연 - Lee Ha-Young / Lee Hae-Yeon
Track 13-19 of this compilation are dedicated to Lee Hae-Jeon. The songs seem to be inspired to be performed on stage or most likely in a...

손시향 - Lee Sohn
Tracks can be found on: V.A.: Music Museum 220 Best (CD Box) * CD1-4 이별의 종착역 / End of separation (1960) Lee Sohn has a warm voice in the...

이규항 / Lee Gyu-Hang (Yig Yu-Hang)
You can find tracks here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 Music Museum 220 Best CD6-2 네잎 크로바 / Four Leaf Clover (1968) This track sounds like a cowboy song...

이양일 - Lee Yang-Sun (Yi Yang-Sun)
Tracks can be found here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 220 Best Of (CD-box) CD4-2 행복의 샘터 / Fountain of Happiness (1964) with 박재란 / Park Jae-Ran We only...

이남순 / Lee Nam-Sun
You can find tracks here: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 4] * 4 이슬비 내리는 길 / Drizzle This is a fine tango song with fit voice and of...

이난영 - Lee Nan-Young (Lee, Ran Young) / Yi Nan Young ; (-Oka Ranko-)
The first few tracks show the best of possibilities, in that Lee Nan-Young has the sort of qualities in her voice and singing that shows...

이정숙 / Lee Jung-Sook / Lee Jeong-Suk
유성기로 듣던 가요사 / Songs that I heard during the musical period from 1925~1945 [Disc 1] * 4 낙화유수(落花流水) (강남달) / Fallen Blossoms Flowing Water...

이정선 - Lee Jung-Sun (Lee Jeong-Sun) (Sunflower)
Psychefolk radioshow comments: "Nice professional acoustic guitar track (combination of blues with UK tradition) with singing. I need...