오정심 / Oh Jeong-Sim
Tracks you can find here: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Kayo Museum 220 Best (CD box) CD9-4 눈 나리는 밤 / Naira's eyes at night (1968) This is a trot song...

김성옥 / Kim Sung Ok
One of the more extraordinary voices is Kim Sung Ok, also because she has something of a more international allure, which more fits the...

강남주 / Kang, Nam-Joo / Gang Nam-ju / 姜 南 舟
Tracks you can find here: 유성기로 듣던 일제시대 풍자 해학송 / The satire of Japanese imperialists heard during the Domido/Meteor period * 12 거리의 신풍경 /...

유종섭 / Yoo Jong Sup 劉鍾燮
Jung Sub-Yoo looks like a very fashionable guy, but these songs themselves (I heard 6 in total) were all still a bit mainstream although...

장일타홍 / Jang Il-Tahong
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴없는 명가수(1) / Immortal Master Singer: A Faceless Master Singer (1) 17 아리랑의 꿈 / Arirang's Dream (REGAL 383) As the title...

서금영 / Seo, Kem-Young / 徐錦榮
유성기로 듣던 여명의 한국동요 / Korean Song of Dawn (=lullabies) (1924~1945) CD1-3 낮에 나온 반달 / Half Moon by Day (40273 A) CD1-4 고향의 봄 / Hometown Spring...

V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945)
This is a collection of early Korean records, some of which shows some unique and some bizarre material. This collection dates from...

박소성 / Park, So-Sung
유성기로 듣던 가요사 / Songs I heard from the Meteor Period (1925~1945) [Disc 9] 3 뻐꾹새 우는 밤 / Cuckoo's crying night (1941) This is an acoustic...

김장미 / Kim, Jang-Mi / 金 薔薇
Tracks can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴없는 명가수(1) Immortal Master Singer: A Faceless Master Singer (1) * 13 쌍쌍타령 / Ssangsantayeong...

고운봉 / Go, Woon-Bong / Go Un-bong / Ho Woon Bong / Koun Bong / 高 雲峰
Tracks you can find here: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 진방남, 고운봉, 송달협 편 vol.16 / Immortal singers heard during the meteor period: Jin Bang Nam, Go Un...