임희숙 - Lim Hee-Sook / Im Hee-Sook
임희숙 - 믿어도 될까요임희숙 / Can I find Trust? (가수) 노래 | 뮤직리서치 | 2011년 08월 11/ 12 Music Research CD 1 이마음 아시나요 / Do you know this heart? 2 잊어버린 노래...

박춘석 - Park Choon-Seok (Park Chun Seok)
DISC01. Park Choon-seok Composition: Master Builder Series of the Music World! DISC01. 박춘석 작곡집: 가요계의 명장 시리즈!(Master Builder Series) 01....

이화자 - Lee Won-Ja (Lee Hwa Za)
This collection of songs performed by "Yihwaja" / Lee Won Ja could work very much on a song evening meeting with a small audience with a...

오정선 - Oh Jung-Sun <Lana.e.rospo
마음 / Heart SRB records – SOT-784 02 Feb 1978 A1 님을 위한 노래 / A Song for .. A2 사랑의 물결 / Wave of Love A3 꿈길 / A way to dream * A4 비야 내려라 /...

모니카유 - Monica Yoo
Some tracks can be found on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: 220 Besl CD3- 21 일요일은 참으세요 / Pretty Sunday (1963) -ref. "Never On Sunday"- This...

한명숙 - Han Myung-Sook
한명숙 오리지날 힛송 총결산집 / Han Myung-Sook Original Song Collection 1990.09.00 1 노란샤쓰의 사나이 / The Boy in the Yellow Shirt -country- * 2 우리 마을 / My...

![황금심 [보컬] - Hwang Keum-Sim (Kum Sim)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e7e343_5b92425abfa741688bc8e78b7e80498c~mv2_d_3026_4635_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_335,h_252,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/e7e343_5b92425abfa741688bc8e78b7e80498c~mv2_d_3026_4635_s_4_2.webp)
황금심 [보컬] - Hwang Keum-Sim (Kum Sim)
황금심 / 오리지날 힛송 총결산집 (16-12-2015) Hwang Keum-Sim was one of my favourite voices and choices from 5 CD-Domido compilation box, and I am...

이은파 - Lee Eun-Pa
This is a CD from the 23CD box: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 이은파 편 (vol.11) / Immortal Singer Heard during the Meteor Period: Lee Eun-pa, Vol. 11 1...

강석연 / Kang, Seok-Yeon
Tracks can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 : 막간 가수들 Interlude singers (vol 21) * 7 방랑가(放浪歌) / Wanderer (COLUMBIA 40138) 1931) * 8 오동나무 /...

이경설 / Lee Kyung-Soo / Lee Kyung-seol
유성기로 듣던 가요사 / Songs that I heard during the musical period from 1925~1945 [Disc 1] 15 세기말(世紀末)의 노래 / Song of the end of the century...